Friday, 20 December 2013

Blue Tit on my door handle...............................................................................

I have shared this little video clip before but I think it's cute enough to show it again.
A bit of fun for Christmas.

He looks like he was having a problem with his own reflection... 
It went on for over a week and was so funny to watch. 

I am very busy at the moment and blogging has had to take a back seat... 
... I have a few days off work over the Christmas period and weather permitting I hope to be out and about with the camera.

I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2014.
Best wishes Andrew.

Wild Bird Wednesday


Arija said...

Too sweet. The tits, like our blue wrens, tend to fight the intruders they see in their own reflection.
Really lovely to see.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew. No I never saw that video before. it is so sweet. May I wish your and your family a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS? I won't be posting or commenting as mush over this season.

The Herald said...

Andrew and Amanda, all the best for a very happy Christmas and best wishes for a fantastic New Year...[;o)

TexWisGirl said...

have a great christmas.

WE said...

Hi Andrew,

I think he is not able to recognize the glass door and trying to get through the window shield.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...

Anonymous said...

I remember that video. Cute little guy. Hope you have great weather for your time off. Happy holidays to you.

Bob Bushell said...

Yes, I remember that one, it's worth a second time, funny one.

Stephanie said...

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Findlay Wilde said...

I hope you have a brilliant Christmas and enjoy your days off with your new camera. From Findlay

mick said...

Beautiful little bird and great to get the video of it. Happy Holidays to you.

eileeninmd said...

Sweet bird and great video!

Andrew, Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas!

Carole M. said...

how fabulous to have these right at your door Andrew! Best wishes..

Dave said...

Best wishes mate, have a lovely Christmas, enjoy the new camera.


Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Andrew!