Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Woodpigeons... the big daft birds in the garden.................. aka "the Hoovers"

I call the Woodpigeons "my garden Hoovers" they gobble up anything dropped from the feeders.

Strutting up and down in their comical way... always after a snack.

I see many pigeons sat in the trees that line the road to my house...

...but only ever seem to get two in the garden... and they are usually squabbling.

They try to imitate the little birds and use my feeders... it's not a good look.

..."use the birdbath you big dope!"....

Resting on the fence admiring the view... not a chance of this bird ever using the hole.
They always make me smile watching their antics.


TexWisGirl said...

i like your strutting hoovers. :)

Anonymous said...

The clarity and colors in your photos lately are top-notch Andrew.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It's a common bird for you, of course, but I always delight in seeing them when I visit the UK.

Anonymous said...

Clueless, but beautiful.

Anonymous said...

So adorable and wonderful photography of the gems of nature ~ great shots ~ carol, xx

genie said...

I find them to be very pretty...not like the pigeons of NYC. I love your naming them your garden Hoovers.

Stephanie said...

Great shots of the pigeon. I like the strutting one.

Kay L. Davies said...

These two have probably laid claim to your garden and told other pigeons to keep away.
Love the photos!

Our photos said...

You have make beautiful photos of the bird!
Greetings, RW & SK

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew I have 2 Hoovers in my garden also. well actually 4 hoover. The other 2 are Collared Doves. They also come for their afternoon nap and sit sleeping on the top of the bird feeder. great shots of these big guys.

holdingmoments said...

Great birds Andrew. They certainly do a good job of tidying up.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

And these images made me smile as well!

Ela said...

Beautiful big birds :)