Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The rutting season is over.................................................................................

I have just been messing around re-editing some clips of the Red Deer I captured a couple of years ago.
I've never shared the sound of the stags roaring before... probably because of the wind noise and shake.

The rutting season has just finished and the stags have all sorted out their harems...
...with just the occasional roar to remind everyone whose  boss.

It's a short clip so won't take up much of your time.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

fantastic and that last one has a huge rack.. this is my first time ever hearing the noise they make.. not even on TV or a movie.. thanks... these must have been when you took that awesome header pic

TexWisGirl said...

such incredible racks!!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Fantastic video Andrew, lovely to watch and hear.

genie said...

Thanks for the video. What a sound and what a rack!!! I would hate to be struck by one of those...ouch! Magnificent animals.

Horst in Edmonton said...

The Stags sure are a beautiful sight. They are very majestic indeed.

Brian King said...

Magnificent antlers on these guys! Reminds me a bit of our elk.

Michelle said...

Those racks are huge!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, yes, amazing antlers. I've never seen Canadian deer with such huge antlers. As Brian King said, only on elk.
Fascinating video. There's a city in Alberta called Red Deer, and I always thought the name had something to do with indigenous peoples, or something more Canadian than the many, many cities named after something English. Life is full of interesting surprises.

Stephanie said...

magnificent racks! Love the video!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. I don't know if I could contain myself filming something so majestic.