Monday, 21 October 2013

Quite the acrobat...............................................................................................

Great Tits are bold inquisitive little birds and are regular visitors to my garden.

 Great Tit (Parus major)

They are the largest member of the tit family being roughly the size of a House Sparrow and can be quite aggressive...often bullying their smaller relations.

Though not as agile as the Blue and Coal Tits they have no problems hanging on to the feeders...
...especially when peanuts are on the menu.

 Seeing the level of the peanuts in this feeder reminds me... I need to buy some more.
The peanut and sunflower heart feeders are by far the busiest at the moment... costing me a small fortune.


Giga said...

Uwielbiam te ciekawskie, sliczne ptaszki i ich cudowne zdjecia. Pozdrawiam.
I love the curious, humming birds and their wonderful pictures. Yours.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and he is also a well dressed acrobat in that beautiful coat of gold

TexWisGirl said...

really pretty! great shots.

Findlay Wilde said...

They are so much fun to watch. How many do you get. I only have about 2 Great Tits in the garden, bit there are loads here at Grandmas. From Findlay

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful, colorful little bird and great captures for the day, Andrew! Hope you have a great week!!

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew... Adorable those birds are well worth costing a fortune!! Just think of the enjoyment they give you!
Hope your doing better!!


Bob Bushell said...

I don't get any, help. Beautiful Great Tits.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew Great shots of this Great Tit. Very clear colours. Hope you are improving

Fun60 said...

They are such a joy to see in the garden.

Cynthia said...

Chipper little guys! Nice photos.

genie said...

They are doing their great balancing act for you. What a treat for your eyes.

Laura said...

These are fantastic Andrew... the light is perfect!!!

Anonymous said...

Exquisite photography of the little 'gymnast' ~ carol ^_^

Stephanie said...

He is very pretty bird. I need to pick up more bird seeds.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colors! You really caught the details.

Anonymous said...

I like how he is back-lit with the sunlight. That it a good time to photograph the birds at your feeders whatever time that was. No I didn't buy the movie camera. He was still yakking after I took the pictures so I moved on.

Carole M. said...

it sure is a fabulous looking bird 'Drew

Rajesh said...

Very cute little bird.

Our photos said...

You have make beautiful bird photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

Anonymous said...

These shots are fabulous!

Phil Slade said...

Great Tits are definitely Mr amd Mrs Personality Andrew.

Liz said...

Gorgeous shots! You've captured him beautifully!!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm constantly amazed at how peanuts sometimes encourage aggressive behavior amongst birds. :))

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

We don't have any of the Tits around here so I fully enjoy your pictures and information. I also understand what you are saying about the cost of bird seed and peanuts. It is important that we feed them because we have wiped out most habitats that provide for them, but my goodness ... someone is making a killing because of it. Great shots of a beautiful bird.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Dave said...

I have a regular pair in the garden that have had good breeding season. Not always easy to photograph with good results due to the contrasting yellow vs black colours, yours look good Andrew

Karen said...

Beautiful markings on this guy! Peanuts are a favourite in my yard at the moment!

Unknown said...

Beautiful shots of this cute bird. They're fun to watch.

Amanda said...

The yellow is gorgeous. We don't have these, I did get to see some in tits in Japan though (hows that for a comment!)

mick said...

Great photo. I like the way you have captured the little feet clinging to the side of the feeder.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Gorgeous backlit photos Andrew.

Hootin Anni said...

They're beautiful!! And I must say I like that peanut feeder too.

Brian King said...

Beautiful shots of a beautiful bird! Feeding birds does indeed cost a small fortune!

thewovenspoke said...

Beautiful shots

Carletta said...

A cute little acrobat!
I like those little bubbles of bokeh Andrew that mimic the holes in the feeder.

Arija said...

Love 'em, even if they can be bullies.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, "grass is greener ...." Cool images.