Sunday, 20 October 2013

Dried or soaked Mealworms?........................... my birds don't mind either way

 As I swept up the leaves (again) this morning I put the table feeder on one of the chairs.
It had poured with rain early last night and everything was sodden.
I put dried Mealworms out for the birds and they seem to like them that way although some people recommend soaking them first... well the rain had done that for me.

 I was back inside before I noticed the tray was still on the chair... I had intended to refill it.
 I'm glad I didn't... it appears the birds in my garden don't mind how their Mealworms come prepared.

  The female Blackbird was soon tucking in...

...closely followed by the House Sparrows.

I watched them from the comfort of my sofa as it had started to pour with rain again.

My garden birds can take the Mealworms as they come from now on... dried or soaked.

Our World Tuesday


Anonymous said...

Looks like they love those meal worms. Great shots.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew It's amazing how sometimes we discover things by accident. I never soak my meal worms and the birds just gobble them up every time.

Great shots, Is you chair closer for photographs since you put the container on the chair? Now that might be an interesting ploy as I always photograph the garden bird from my window also.

TexWisGirl said...

rehydrated protein! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they love it but i am glad i don't have to get my protein that way. YUCK on mealworms

Bob Bushell said...

A good bird feeder Andrew.

ADRIAN said...

Andrew, what are meal worms? I have always assumed they are dried maggots.


wet or dry, they eat them all, great shots.

Stephanie said...

Great shots!

Kay L. Davies said...

Well, I wouldn't want to eat them either, whether they're wet or dry, but the if the birds like them both ways, that's one less thing for you to remember. LOL

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

I prefer mine well done on the crunchy side. Great images that I suspect once again when done through the glass. You just cannot tell.

Our photos said...

I like the birds photos!
Beautiful, Andrew!
Greetings, RW & SK

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

As long as hou don't forget to put them out they'll be happy! Cute rainy day photos -- the joys of a wonderful yard, you can get great photos evdn on a day like that!!!

Rose said...

They may even enjoy them better that way...great shots, BTW,\.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what fun captures, Andrew!! Lovely, happy birds!! Thanks for sharing the smiles!!

Cynthia said...

That's an interesting feeder. Do you raise your own mealworms?

Laura said...

They look quite pleased with the food you've provided. Beautiful photos!

Fun60 said...

A real treat for the birds I would imagine. Your garden must be michelin rated amongst the local bird life.

Liz said...

Lovely images, Andrew! Gorgeous colour contrasts. They do seem to be enjoying their meal... even if it is soaked!

Carole M. said...

it's a great photo opportunity to be able to sit back and watch from indoors like you do; always enjoy seeing your backyard garden birds