Thursday, 17 October 2013

Delamere Forest in Autumn..................................... plus an update on my legs

 I am off to hospital later for yet another scan... they are still trying to find out what's wrong with my legs.
A few weeks ago I could hardly stand up due to the pain in my leg muscles (both legs) and my stupid right knee... both my feet and ankles were swollen. I have had blood tests but nothings shown up.
I have a follow up appointment next week with the Rheumatlology Department.
I have been put on steroids which have got me back and walking... a bit like a duck but I can get around.

This is where I would love to be today if I could... out in the sunshine enjoying the fresh air.
Delamere Forest is just up the road and has plenty of trails to follow... I would walk for miles.

 These images are from October 2011 two years ago almost to the day.
The forest covers 2,400 acres of mixed deciduous and evergreen woodland making it the largest area of woodland in Cheshire.

 The name Delamere Forest means "forest of the lakes".
I have posted about Blakemere Moss (above) before... a link here: Blakemere Moss

It's a working forest... but in all the times I've visited I have never seen them felling trees.

I just hope today's trip to the hospital finally gets me on the road to recovery...
...I really do miss getting out and about in the countryside.

Skywatch Friday


ADRIAN said...

Good luck. Have you thought about hiring one of those electric buggy things?

Pantherka said...

Andrew, you to keep my fingers crossed and think of you. Whether you soon fit.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew Thanks for the update on your health and I hope soon they will find out what is causung the problem for you. Loved seeing the forest shots.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so sorry you are missing out on your walking for miles and miles in the good weather for hiking. hope they find what the problem is at the new doctor..this place is beautiful and i love the stumps with the moss.

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

I did not know you were still having problems. I must have missed something while away. That's terrible. I sure do hope they can fix you up. I know I'd be really bummed not being able to get out for a hike. Best to you my friend. Keep us posted.

TexWisGirl said...

i truly hope so. i know you love nothing more than 'rambling'. bless you.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sending HUGE positive vibes your way Andrew, hope all goes well!

Horst in Edmonton said...

I sure know what your going through, I just got my left hip replaced and hope to go on long walks after 5 years of not being able to do so. Take care of yourself and hope your back on those long walks soon.

Kay L. Davies said...

I've probably said this before, but can't stress it too much: did you ask about the side effects of the steroids? I was on a cortico-steroid called prednisone and the side effects were horrible, including early osteoporosis.
There, that's my preaching for today.
Your foresters seem to be much tidier than the ones I remember from my 50+ years in British Columbia. Only recently (10 or 20 years is recent to me) have they been regulated to clean up after themselves, and even to plant new trees.
I will miss the photos of birds popping through your fence when you are more mobile, but I'm sure there will be other birds in other places.
Meanwhile, one question: why do they come through the hole instead of flying over the fence?

Steffi said...

Sorry to read about your sickness,Andrew!All the best and I hope you get well soon!

Laura said...

I hope that an answer will come soon and that you will be out and about in places you love to spend time again Andrew. I understand well, the difficulty of illness and longing to be outdoors, when it isn't possible.

Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos with us.

Sylvia K said...

I, too, am so sorry to read about your knee problems, Andres!! I have those, too, and they frequently are really miserable!! Lovely captures for the day!! Hope you'll soon be able to get visit here again!!

cieldequimper said...

Keeping fingers crossed.

HansHB said...

Lovely serie! Interesting to study the details!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

A quick stop to say I sure hope they find out what is going on and that you are well~

S. Etole said...

Hope you can soon be out and about again and enjoying good health.

Jim said...

How interesting

Karen said...

I hope you are back on your feet soon enjoying a walk in this beautiful place.

Sondra said...

I too am having a tough time i at the present...hope soon to be back close to my normal....Maybe the scan will give you the answer you are seeking to your recovery...

genie said...

I certainly hope the doctors get to the bottom of the mystery SOON! It is not fun being unable to do the things you want to do. Take it easy and I hope you get back on your long walks soon. The moss in the lake is so interesting and your capture is stunning. I need to read about it. genie


So very sorry to hear! I experienced over a year of knee problems, not fun at all - sending best wishes.

Stephanie said...

Hope the doctors find out what is wrong. Those Steroids drugs are not great for the liver. Hope you know you cannot stop them out of the blue. My mom was on them for years, finally had to stop them because it caused problems on her heart. Please take care. I know what it is like to miss rambling with the camera.

Lina Gustina said...

Hope for the accurate diagnosis and fast recovery.
Enjoying your shots!

Our photos said...

Beautiful photos, Andrew!

Anonymous said...

Hope your legs feel better.

Lovely shots.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Good luck, bonne chance, buena suerta!
Get well soon. said...

Hope that you will feel better soon to enjoy long walks in the spectacular area you are showing here! Thank you very much for your kind comments!

Brian King said...

I sure hope they figure out the cause of your leg pain. It must be quite frustrating at this point.

I love the third photo!