Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Promoting my YouTube Channel................................... click to view it anytime

If you have been following my blog for a while you will be well aware I like to share video clips.

I have had a channel on YouTube for a number of years... but it changed when Google took it over.
I liked the look of my old channel... it was similar to my blog... never mind.

I have added a watermark to my videos... yes it's an image of me!
It's seen in the top right corner... view the video full screen and you won't even notice it.

Click on the button above... it will take you to my YouTube Channel.
All my videos will then be on view to watch.

 New clips will be short... this one is just 13 seconds in length...
...more chance of them being watched as time is so precious. 

I try to keep it advert free but some of my clips do show some... 
...YouTube add them when you use their audio.

This one is longer and I am quite proud of it ... it's made up of clips taken over a full calendar year.
It took me a few hours to put together... and I really enjoyed making it.

It will take up 12 minutes of your time but you can keep coming back to it as it's available to see on my blog.
There is also a button to take you to my YouTube Channel... and a link back to "rambles with a camera"

Please let me know your thoughts......I really do appreciate all your comments.


ADRIAN said...

You have me licked for patience. I detest editing video. Then i swear or someone else does and I have to re-record the audio.
Your watermark is a bit red. Try Auto white balance or don't get your picture taken outside places with red lights.
Anything under eight minutes is fine for a video clip. It usually takes me twice that time to watch one as band width is often barely adequate.
How is the knee?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that baby coot is so cute and my mother used to call daddy, you old coot sometimes. did not know coot is a bird.

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

I thought things looked different with my videos but didn't know why. I really need to make some new ones. Whereas you can have fun working on one for a couple of hours, I just find it so difficult to be at the computer that long. Not that much fun for me.

Horst in Edmonton said...

Wow, Andrew your video is really good, I really enjoyed it. The video is only to long if you don't like it, but I loved it. Keep on doing your thing and let us know if you have a new one.

Kay L. Davies said...

I have no idea how to edit video, so I'm impressed.
However, I have been trying to figure out what the black and white animal is. At first I thought skunk, but the nose is too long. Perhaps it's something we don't see in western Canada. Very curious.

Stephanie said...

Enjoyed viewing your video earlier, coming back to comment. I am still looking at your raven shots, they are so detailed and the eyes you captured are stunning.

Bob Bushell said...

That's a very good video, well done Andrew.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew Fristly, how is the knee? I have looked at the posts I have missed over the past week since my friend Eileen came and enjoyed them very much. I see the birds are still coming through the 'hole'. Wonderful shots of the Raven. Now I have watched the video and it is excellent. Love the smooth soft music that goes with it. You know that I do some video clips and have a youtube channel also should you wish to visit it. Normally 12 minutes is too long but I think for what you were doing 12 months in 12 minutes is great and I enjoyed it very much. The Deer, Otter, Badger and all the birds plus scenes all added to a good overall view of the year. I knew from doing video clips it takes hours AND hours to do so well done for having the patience. Can I ask you, do you edit the videos in youtube or some other system? I am only learning since I started blogging 6 months ago and am always looking to improve things.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew Ooops! Forgot to say, like Adrian said, I don't like the red in the copyright. Too distracting. if it blended in it would be better but it still would be there. Just my opinion!

Dave said...

Really enjoyed that Andrew, great video.

Where did you get the Otter footage from?

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Andrew, your 12 minute video kept me riveted from beginning to end. Absolutely marvelous!!! I look forward to visiting your others. The coot video was lovely too. Hope your knee has totally healed now.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautifully edited Andrew, such a pleasure to watch. I recognise a few of the birds that we also have here in Perth.

Jo's World said...

As one of your new visitors, I really loved the 12 months in 12 minutes video. Your birds are different and that is interesting, the beautiful deer/elk? are just gorgeous, I loved it all. I may come back for another watch of it!

Jo in Minnesota USA