Friday, 18 October 2013

Bringing a splash of colour to the garden..................................... Goldfinches

I've had some lovely visitors to my garden this morning... a small flock or "charm" of Goldfinches.

A "charm of goldfinches"  has to be one the best collective nouns of any group of birds.
Click here to see more Collective Nouns "a murder of crows" is another favourite of mine.

Flighty little birds any attempt to open the doors for a clear shot and they would have been off.
I had to make do through the window.

They were gone within a few minutes anyway... then this one turned up on it's own.

A quick look around to see what was on offer... there's quite a bit to choose from in my garden.

It chose one of he mixed seed feeders... I've added plenty of sunflowers in the mix too.
Lovely birds bringing a splash of colour to a dull wet October morning.

By the way the squirrels also love eating sunflower hearts... and have not been put off by the rain.
I've been banging on the windows all day... not a good thing to do when you want to see birds.

Many thanks for all the lovely get well soon messages yesterday... you are all so kind.


Gillena Cox said...

what a lovely choir of chirps; have a nice day

much love...

TexWisGirl said...

a charm - that is a nice one. :)

Karen Lakis said...

Your goldfinches have beautiful coloring - and I can't tell you took the photo through a window. You captured them beautifully!

Bob Bushell said...

Oh great, the Goldfinches swarm toward the feeder, well taken Andrew.

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the red on your goldfinches! They definitely add colour to your garden!

Phil Slade said...

Nice ones Andrew. I have four feeders in my garden but can't get more than one or two Goldfinches at the moment. Think I'll try the sunflowers.

Jocee said...

Beautiful pictures. We have Goldfinches over here but they are so fast moving I haven't got a good photo yet. Well done you! said...

So far I never had Goldfinches in my garden...but did not put out any feeders yet.Will wait until weather will get colder.

NatureFootstep said...

gret shots! I´ve been missing them. Have hardly seen them at all this year.

Anonymous said...

A "charm" I like that. Thanks for teaching me something new today. Through the glass pictures, we wouldn't have known. You are a good window washer.

Brian King said...

These guys have a little extra splash of color ours don't have. Beautiful birds!

Kay L. Davies said...

So happy for you to have a charm of goldfinches in your garden to aid in your recovery. Absolutely charming, if you'll forgive my saying so.

Stephanie said...

Lovely bird shots. And great looking bird feeders.

Ercotravels said...

So cute your little birds!!! beautiful captures..
my new post Royal Rajasthan on Wheels Begins from New Delhi

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andre Yes a charm is a perfect collective word for these lovely birds. Thanks for subscribing to my youtube channel

Liz said...

They are so darn cute!!

Ela said...

Such a lovely birds :)