Monday, 1 July 2013

Greenfinch on the feeder.................................... a flighty little bird to capture

I am struggling to capture images of the Greenfinches in my garden... they are very wary of any movement and when spooked it can be an hour or so before they return.

This was a lucky shot taken through the window... 
...I will persevere as they are lovely birds to see up close.

Wild Bird Wednesday


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrew Perseverance has paid off. Great shot. Margaret

Brian King said...

Nice shot! Kinda odd they're called Greenfinches. Although, they aren't the only birds to have a name that doesn't seem to fit. I'm sure you'll get more good photos!

Bob Bushell said...

They certainly are beautiful Andrew.

TexWisGirl said...

very cool bird. like your new header!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a good challenge to keep you sharp.

Kay L. Davies said...

Oooh, some kind of horrible advertisement came up when I tried to comment.
Well, I got here. Gorgeous greenfinch photo. I'm very fond of finches.

Michelle said...

He looks quite busy and happy.

Unknown said...

Beautiful shot!

Shaun said...

you have the patience of a saint. lovely colours on this bird Andrew


thats a great shot, i wish some would land in my garden.

FAB said...

You certainly captured its bright colours.

mick said...

Beautiful little bird with such super color! Great photo.

Unknown said...

Great close up!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

sunshine said...

Beautiful bird.

Karen said...

Handsome bird!

eileeninmd said...

Pretty Greenfinch and a great shot!

Stewart M said...

Very nice little bird - we have them here, but I dont see them very often.

Thanks for linking to WBW.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Liz Needle said...

What a pretty little fellow. We don't have them here. I would say clever rather than lucky. Well done.

Jeanne said...

Gorgeous shot. Have you tried putting the camera on a tripod and using a rote. Might work

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

My, they certainly are skittish. Probably all the scary encounters with predators over the ages have imprinted their genes.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a little sweetheart! Maybe they'll eventually get used to you a little more.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful little visitor to your feeder!