Wednesday, 3 July 2013

A showcase for Mandy..................................................... her first flight shots

I bought my girlfriend Mandy a camera so she could also take photos while we were out and about. 
Well just a few months on and she is getting some fantastic images.

These shots of Grey Herons in flight were taken with an 18-200mm lens from her Dads boat ...
...while I was faffing about with a heavy 150-500 and getting nowhere

She is really enjoying taking images of nature... I just have to convince her to start her own blog.
For now I will share them on mine now and again.
 Hopefully she will get encouragement from some positive comments... and many thanks if you do.


TexWisGirl said...

well, she's doing great, alright! that first shot is beautiful with the perfect flip of wingfeather! :)

Betty Manousos said...

she sure is talented!

fantastic shots and texture.

happy 4th!:))

Unknown said...

Fabulous shots! I can't wait to see more.

ADRIAN said...

Just goes to show that aptitude beats equipment.
How you live with the Sigma is way beyond me. It needs perfect light and then has fringing. You are a hero.

ADRIAN said...

PS. the Sigma weighs nowt.

The Herald said...

Well done Mandy, great shots!
Watch out Andrew, you've got competition!!...[;o)

Unknown said...

These are awesome! Of course, you already knew that she had a good eye on account of her spotting you--right?

Carole M. said...

well done Mandy; isn't it such a thrill to pick up your first flight photos. I'm sure they're not the last of them from you now

The Furry Gnome said...

Fabulous pictures!

Rosemary said...

Keep on encouraging Mandy to have a blog, I am sure that we would all like to follow her with such lovely photos.

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...wonderful shot of the Heron in flight Mandy!!
There are a lot of big time or "think they are" photographer out there with there huge camera set up, a lot saying they can't get a good flight shot!! Hee-hee!!
Good job!!

Unknown said...

Fantastic pictures, very graceful bird

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi I left a encouraging comment on this post yesterday and I see it is not there! can you look to see if it is in your spam as some of my comments have disappeared on other posts. Margaret

Arija said...

Lovely flight shots indeed Drew. I do hope she starts her own blog, I'd certainly follow that too.
I am so glad you have found someone who also loves nature. Happy days to you both.
Hugs . . . Arija

Anonymous said...

Ah such is the case with women. My wife got interested in "serious" photography many years after my always having a camera in hand now. I feel she's surpassed me in this hobby of ours. It is fine with me. Do let us know when Mandy gets her own blog going.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love the guest photos from your talented girl~ It's great to have 4 eyes and 2 cameras when you go birding!

Pantherka said...

This is a wonderful Andrew.

i stora drag said...

You can tell your girlfriend that I really love her pictures! And I love the heron too and miss it here in my place. Don't know what happened they don't show up this year and it's sad!
Greetings Pia, Sweden

Dave said...

Beginners always make me crazy! How come I can't get those shots?