Sunday, 30 June 2013

Peanuts.................................................................. food for birds not squirrels

The peanut feeder is a favourite with the Tit's that visit my garden.

I am getting a few juvenile Great Tit's on this feeder which is close to my patio door.
 Despite his expression he really does like them.

  So do the Blue Tit's... lovely little acrobats to watch feeding.

 This feeder stands in the middle of my rose bush in an effort to keep the squirrels at bay.

It hasn't stopped them but they must get a few thorns when diving off when I chase them.

Eating seed put out for the ground feeders is the easier option.'s then just a race with the Woodpigeons.


Rohrerbot said...

And here I thought they were for people!!:) There have been times when I stuck my hand in the bag and had a few myself:)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Lots of action! I didn't think the rosebush could be a deterrent!

ADRIAN said...

I just love other peoples squirrel problems.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrew Great shots of the young birds. They never seen to move away from feeders as quickly as their parents. I supposed they have not learnt that it can be an unsafe place for them. Margret

TexWisGirl said...

so cute. laugh at your squirrels and hoovers. :)

The Herald said...

Nice to see that the new generation have found out were to get a good meal Andrew!

The Squirrels aren't backwards in coming forwards are they? As I type this I've got your Squirrel's cousin busily munching away on my sunflower hearts feeder with the bemused Goldfinches looking on!...[;o)

Susan said...

Awww, cute scene. Those little tree rats are gonna get what they want no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful bird photos. Wish I could help you with the squirrels.

Unknown said...

Cute birds and the sqirrels are cute too - even if they steal the peanuts.

Magia da Inês said...

¸.•°♡♡♫° ·.

Fotografias incríveis, cheias de preciosos detalhes.

Uma ótima semana!
Beijinhos do Brasil.
¸.•°❤❤♫° ·.

Scriptor Senex said...

Super photos of the juveniles.

Bob Bushell said...

Tremendous images for the birds.

Dave said...

I caught a squirrel AND a chipmunk cleaning out my peanuts this morning...I surrender...

Anonymous said...

Hey, a squirrel's gotta eat too! Nice detail in those tiny birds.

Michelle said...

Squirrels are cute, but pesky!

Stephanie said...

Those were great!

Brian King said...

Dang squirrels are so hard to deter! Great shots of the Tits and I like the pigeon close up, too!

Shaun said...

I dont mind the squirrels, they can be comical to watch. But those rats with wings, they can go do one. Opps, sorry forgot to mention i was on about the pigeons :)

Sharon Wagner said...

Squirrels are so darn squirrely.

Carole M. said...

it sure is a hive of activity your back garden 'Drew; always makes for such interesting photographs and I love the goldfinch too