Saturday, 29 June 2013

My little garden Wood Mouse is very active in the evening..............................

The Wood Mouse in my garden is very active at the moment.... I see him dashing about most evenings.

 He is feeding on seeds dropped by the birds from my feeders... sometimes taking his time to eat as he finds.

                                                               A cute little fella with bulging eyes...

...the Wood Mouse is no threat to my home.

 Alert at all times he is lightning fast and disappears in a flash at the slightest movement.
Just as entertaining to watch as the birds.
Linking to Camera Critters


Hootin Anni said...

This is sooooooooooo cute!!! How on earth did you get so lucky getting such fantastic photos?!!! Excellent.

RNSANE said...

You got incredible photos of this little fellow...I imagine you have to be really quick on the draw!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

They are so fast- great captures!

Unknown said...

How adorable! Great shots!

Anonymous said...

Great shots of nature's creature ~ well done macro !

Unknown said...

Great pictures! I have a some wood mice in my garden too and managed to get one recorded on my trail camera last night !

Anonymous said...

I could spend hours watching that little guy foraging about.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

So cute. Lovely pictures. Cheers!!!..

Nancy said...


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

wow! Fantastic shots. Was it very dark? Do you set up a special camera or just sit very still? Have a great weekend. Margaret

grammie g said...

HI Andrew...So darn cute, love those buggy eyes!!
Just as long as he stay's out of the house he is cute to have around !!
Cute shot's!

holdingmoments said...

Great captures Andrew.
They're very wary, so well done on getting more than one picture lol

Pantherka said...

You have beautifully captured Andrew, great pictures.

The Herald said...

Such fun to watch Andrew, but they're faaast! You've captured a great set of images...[;o)

Anonymous said...

A great job you do photographing that speedy little fellow!

Carole M. said...

very captivating and charming 'Drew; you got some magnificent shots of this little mammal

Jidhu Jose said...

looks so cute ..but i hate them


Gemma Wiseman said...

Such adorable ears and big ears! Looks like a fascinating mover!

Scriptor Senex said...

Our Wood Mice have perfected the art of climbing up the bird feeder poles (sometimes falling from half way) and eating on the bird table itself. To get down they simply chuck themselves off into the flowers - brilliant.

Brian King said...

I'm not a fan of house mice, but the species that stay outside like this Wood Mouse are okay by me. He is a cute little thing and you got really nice photos! I would imagine he doesn't stay in one place long.

JosephWalker said...

Lovely pics i like it.
