Friday 3 May 2013

Blackbirds feeding in my garden......................................................................

                                    I had just put out a handful of dried meal worms for the birds...

...and it didn't take this pair of Blackbirds very long to polish them off.

It's a short clip (22 secs) so it won't take up much of your time... many thanks for watching.

 Linking to Camera Critters and The Bird D'pot


  1. I love the video of the black birds eating the meal worms.

  2. I am curious....Do dried meal worms attract other birds? I have never heard of them. Our feeders are all full, but the birds disappeared a week ago and have not returned. I am so concerned. Cannot imagine what happened. Our bluebird babies are very wee but looking healthy. Any suggestions? Like seeing the blackbirds up so close and personal. Beautiful beaks and eyes...that bright yellow really stands out on the beak and around the eyes. genie

  3. a handsome couple. messy eaters, though.

  4. I like your blackbirds with their yellow bills!

  5. Lucky Blackbirds! they got to the mealworms before the Starlings, my Blackbirds, or anything else, wouldn't stand a chance![;o)

    ps. I don't know what's happening with blogger but this post has popped up four times on my reading list?!!

  6. That was a neat clip watching them feed!
    Thank you for sharing it.

  7. My favourite birds, they visit my garden in the spring then disappear.

  8. Cute couple, they are little piggies!

  9. Beautiful birds. I love watching them. Your clip was wonderful.

  10. Okay, call me stupid. Y'know, stupid is as stupid does? That sorta thing. But I always assumed that they're 'fresh' worms...but they're dried?!!! Learn something every day. Great video. Love the yellow ring around the eyes. And I'm glad you included a female in the video. Now, question is...where do we purchase meal worms?

  11. Wow do they like those!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. Great video, interesting to see!
