Monday 6 May 2013

Racing Pigeon in the garden............................................................................

We have had a Racing Pigeon hanging around Mandys dads garden for a few days now.
I keep meeting up with these every now and again... the last one in my garden stayed for three days.

 The little fella sits mainly out of reach on the roof of the house or on the shed...

...but is easily tempted down for food and a drink.

The ring on his right leg is numbered 73030.

He/She is so colourful when the sun catches it's feathers... and has a really happy look about it.

 ...the orange eye is lovely to see.
After it is refreshed I suspect it will just carry on it's journey home...
...I just hope it's owner likes it as much we do.

Linking to Our World Tuesday and Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. This is a wonderful visitor Andrew.

  2. The rumour must be spreading that you run a good hotel :)

  3. Sadly Andrew he will most likely wring it's neck. Look up the number and catch it. Pop it in a box. Phone the owner. Then keep it as a pet. Pigeon racing is worse than greyhound racing or pheasant shooting.
    You never know your luck it could be one of our monarchs. She like all pigeon fanciers will only be waiting to clock it in at it's loft. It's supposed to race home...not take the scenic route.
    It is an awful sport but not as bad as cock fighting.

  4. It certainly seems to be ruling the roost at your place.

  5. I go along with Adrian, but, it looks good in your garden Andrew.

  6. Beautiful colours!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. Good looking bird! Love that eye!

  8. Start feeding it. It may stick around!

  9. It really does have some lovely colors.

  10. I agree with Adrian. Try and keep it there; the owner will only kill it if it returns.

  11. He's either doing an ultra marathon and needs a break or he's lost!!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  12. Beautiful! Nice detail in the colors.

  13. ...that 3rd one down from the top is my favorite...I love the slight tilt of its head. Pretty bird.

  14. Love the iridescent colours, beautiful shots.

  15. The colors on this pigeon are beautiful. Great shots, Andrew!

  16. Hi 'Drew, I wonder how far this pigeon has travelled to drop by your place? Maybe not far, he might live 'just around the corner' :). Certainly does look quite happy to be there and little wonder with all your goodies in place.

  17. Beautiful and interesting bird. I was curious about the nodules above its beak, if they are part of the beak or what???

  18. The neck indeed shows different colors. Great captures.

  19. They are so pretty, I had one that landed in our yard ant though tI was a female pigeon. It kept protecting me from all the members of my family and kept circling me wit a dropped wing and making mating noises. Quite odd.

  20. Great photos of the carrier pigeon, colors are super.
    Best wishes, Irma

  21. Beautiful bird with amazing eyes! I guess it is taking a bit of a rest before continuing on its journey.

  22. Love the colour of his eye.

  23. Amazing close up in your pictures!

  24. Great photographs, Andrew!

    We lived in Germany many, many years ago and our landlord kept racing pigeons. It was fascinating to learn about the sport and watch the birds return each time.

    Good post!

  25. Love how the plumage flashes in the sunlight!

  26. Very beautiful photos and video for SWF,Andrew!Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend!

  27. Wonderful close-ups and such a pretty sheen on its feathers.
