Wednesday 1 May 2013

Long-tailed Tits...................................................... gathering nesting material

My little Long-tailed Tits are nest building. 

I have been watching these two gathering moss in my garden for the last few days.

They are regular visitors to my feeders and are hopefully building their nest nearby.
Their nest will be built in the shape of a dome...
 ...made up of hair, feathers and moss.

...which they have been gathering from my garden...

...cute little birds to see.


  1. These are so cute, great photos.

  2. Nest building Tits, fabulous.

  3. Sweet little birds beautifully photographed.

  4. Oh my, what a sweet pair.

  5. Great shots! They have such small beaks compared to the rest of their body.

  6. Very nice shots. I know how tough it is to get good pictures of the small birds.

  7. This is a wonderful series. It is such fun looking at the wee ones going about the important task of finding materials for their nests. Beautiful and detailed filled pictures. genie

  8. Wow yes, they are really cute birds! They look whiskery...and beautiful long tails! Very cute :) How sweet that they are collecting this and that to build their nest too.
