Friday 4 January 2013

The hole in my garden fence.............................. one of the highlights of 2012

The hole in my garden fence has been a source of amusement for me and visitors ever since it appeared around June of last year. My little Robin was the first bird I spotted and I missed the chance of a photo.

 I needn't have worried as it soon became a regular sight to see Robin coming and going through what I now call "Robins front door".

I can set up the camera and sit for a few moments... he appears almost as if he wants his picture taken.

 Robin is not the only creature to use this entrance in my fence.

This Dunnock (also a regular) has been seen along with Blue and Coal Tits and even my little Wood Mouse has had a go... but I still have to capture him with the camera.

 Linking to Camera Critters and The Bird D'pot


  1. The old hole in the fence, must have enjoyed itself with the squatters, lol.

  2. How adorable. What a great little door!

  3. You seem to have the perfect little door/window fro attracting your feathered friends. Great shots of them too.

  4. amazing sharpness and so pretty and i love that robin door

  5. i do love this little bird door. :)

  6. They're just the right size. :-)

  7. Those are a cracking set Andrew. The only repair that you keep wanting to avoid.

  8. Great shots from the (most important!) gateway into your garden Andrew...[;o)

  9. Don't ever fix that fence! So darn cute.

  10. I'm glad you didn't patch it up! It's a great little bird photo studio in addition to an entrance!

  11. So many people get such a lot of joy from the hole in your fence. You should patent fences with a hole in them. It is so much safer for little birds to use this special door rather than have to sit exposed on top of the fence. Here they can check out your swinging scene without fear of attack from above.
    Great the way these cuties present themselves for their photo opportunities.

  12. Great captures, a hole with very photogenic friends.

  13. Andrew...What a stroke of luck. I surely would not fix up that hole in the fence. What treats it is allowing you to enjoy. Love the birds. They look so happy. genie

  14. Lovely little bird and colors!

  15. That is great, and how sweet. It knows that you will not harm it and maybe soon the little mouse will allow an image, or two as well;')~

  16. beautiful shots Andrew, just love seeing great photos of Robins... well done.

  17. what kind of robin is this header extraordiary !!

  18. Gotta love a bird that poses for you! I find it interesting that this is a robin - we only have American robins here and they're much bigger of course.

  19. Good luck with capturing the Wood Mouse! I bet that is something to see. Loved the bird fascinating to see their beauty in such a surrounding.

  20. Oh how cute. The perfect to compose great shots!

  21. I have said it once, I'll say it how you've managed to capture these sweet birds all framed in the fencing.

    Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this weekend. Your contributions are always appreciated.

  22. So cute! I do nature photography too, sometimes birds also! You are welcome to join my blog at
    I would love it and your readers are welcome too!

  23. Beautiful captures Andrew.

  24. The hole in the fence makes a cute setting!

  25. I love love love Robins. So different from our American ones
