Sunday 6 January 2013

Six days into 2013 and I finally get out birding.................... highlight a Bittern

I finally got some spare time to get out and about for a bit of fresh air this morning.
I say morning but it was only just... I arrived at Marbury Country Park after 11 o'clock.

 I had only been at the bird hide that looks over Budworth Mere a few minutes when the Bittern I hoped to see flew from the back of the reed bed to land close to the waters edge.
I had a good view through my binoculars... I know where it is in the image above.

 These were the best images I could manage... heavily cropped.
Young Findlay (Wilde About Birds) has already shared Marbury's Bittern a couple of times on his blog and he beat me to see it by a few weeks... a link to his first sighting here: Spot the Bittern .

It was showing well with quite a bit of movement... I also had my camcorder with me but no tripod.

Hand holding a camcorder set at 41x zoom is near impossible... I am pleased with my 12 second effort.

 The view across Budworth Mere to the village church in Great Budworth... it was a dull misty day.

 I had a stroll around the quieter parts of the park... this is the stream that runs through Big Wood.
 Great Tit

Blue Tit

My day wouldn't be complete without seeing one of these little fellas.

 Linking to Weekly Top Shot , Our World Tuesday and Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. So pleased you're getting out and about again. Rumour has it there are 3 Bitterns at Marbury at the moment, well that's what the twitchers were saying (when Findlay was listening in last week). Gorgeous day to be out and about. I hope to get out again soon x

  2. Great sequence, Andrew. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. that misty church photo makes me think i might sing King Arthur or one of his knights come riding out of the photo. that litle bird is perfectly camouflaged in the reeds.

  4. Jedne ptaki chowały się przed Tobą w trzcinie, inne pięknie Ci do zdjęć pozowały razem z wiewiórką. Pozdrawiam.
    Some birds hid in front of you in the cane, the other beautifully you posed for photos with the squirrel. Yours.

  5. o wat een heerlijke dag had jij met z,on oogst thuis komen in de eerste week van het jaar dat is al veel belovend.

  6. A good job it moved or you would never have found it. A great sighting.

  7. i thought of findlay when i saw your title. :)

    great sighting! love the little birds and your scamper rat buddy.

  8. I agree Andrew, your photoshoot is completed with the last picture!

  9. The bittern is so well camouflaged, it's difficult for these old eyes to see -- congratulations.

    Love the tits though -- amazing little birds.

  10. Great way to start a new year Andrew.
    I haven't seen one for a couple of years :-(

  11. Glad you got to see the Bittern and thanks for mentioning my blog. Hope it stays around for a bit longer. From Findlay

  12. Some corkers in there Andrew. We have an abundance of those little grey wonders in our country. Nice to see them out and about.

  13. isn't it great to get out after too long away from camera-excursions - glad you saw the bittern and some other lovely birds in a unique part of the world. I love the names of the locations too

  14. That bittern blends in VERY well! We have bitterns here, but I've never seen one. Love the Blue Tit shot and the squirrel made me laugh!

  15. Loved seeing these birds on your blogpost! I have only seen a bittern in person only once..they are so elusive!

  16. The birds are beautiful, but I also like that misty shot!

  17. The bittern is hard to spot! Great shots in this lovely place for birding.

  18. Getting out early really makes my day. When I can't get out I feel a loss. That was quite a typical bittern! Beautiful bird photos!!

  19. A successful morning to say the least!

  20. Andrew...I really enjoyed this series. So many lovely birds + a squirrel. I am a real squirrel lover so I appreciate that photo. I am amazed at how well the bittern blends in with the grasses. Mother nature has done a fine job with her protective colorations. genie

  21. Hi there, so nice to see some English birds. I am English and live in the USA now. I will have to come back and take a look around when I have more time. Will be following your blog

  22. simply Terrific!

  23. Nice photos, love the outdoors!

  24. Camouflage at its best! The other shots are wonderful.

  25. Awesome photos!
    Great photowork!

  26. It reminded me of the 'Where's Wally' books, but once I'd homed in on the bittern I was fine. Great shot.Good to see that you are out and about again.

  27. Great sightings of the Bittern - even if it was well hidden. The Blue Tit is very beautiful.

  28. Well you're never going to better a Bittern as one of the first birds to see in 2013. Nice one.

  29. Cool sighting of the Bittern, they do seem to blend in well with the reeds.

  30. What a lovely park. Great shots!

  31. Any day with Bittern is a good day, regardless of any pictures you take.

    I used to be able to look for them - and sometimes see them - at Leighton Moss.

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW - Stewart M - Melbourne

  32. Love your walk (love that you are out walking in fact!) I love all of your so-English birds and wish I could see some of them in "person."

  33. Great sighting of the bittern Andrew, think I would have missed it. The tits and the perching squirrels are wonderful. Happy New Year.

  34. I love the last three shots and was thrilled to watch your video. You did well! I've never seen a bittern in the wild, although I'm told they are around occasionally. Many years ago, a neighbour in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec told me a bittern landed on his balcony. It was slightly injured and stayed for a few days until it recovered. That was before I had moved there but I've never forgotten the story and sure hope I meet a bittern one day.

  35. Hi Andrew, you got some wonderful bird images here along with that pesky squirrel, but they are CUTE too.
