Thursday 11 October 2012

More images from a wet field..........................................................................

A week ago a friend took me out for a meal... as we passed this field I asked if I could take a few images as the sky was so full of clouds and the sun was shining (a rare sight this year).

Due to my ongoing knee problem all the images were taken from roughly the same spot.

The bottom of the field was flooded and had been commandeered by the swans, ducks and even a heron from the nearby River Weaver.

I even got a short fly past from two of the swans... made me smile as they both just walked back to their starting point.

Wires crossed most of the views... if I was fit I would have walked a bit further to hide them.

    But they are a part of the landscape...
...and these wooden pylons aren't as bad on the eye as the huge metal ones on the horizon.

It was so nice to get out for a change and as I said last week... I had a wonderful meal.
As I write it's been wet and dreary all day... and likely to get worse.



  1. Beautiful images, say cheers to your friend who took there.

  2. Beautiful puffy clouds, views and reflections, glad you had a day out. Hope that knee improves soon, what a drag!

  3. What good timing that you got out on the one wonderful sunny was beautiful. Love the skimming swans.

    It's going to start raining here this week -- been one of the driest summers on record. Oregon needs rain but I can't help but feel happy that we had such a lovely long stretch of sunshine while we were here.

  4. these are breathtaking views. my two most favorite today is the swan take off and the leaning pole. amazing shots

  5. Hi Andrew...Beautiful clouds , and the swan shot is lovely!!
    Is your knee still bothering you??

  6. definitely some gorgeous skies. :)

  7. I like the blue and why sky. Amazing shots!


  8. Gorgeous skies and such wonderful captures for the day, Andrew! Do thank your friend for us, too!! I love the swans!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Great post!! Boom & gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  10. These cloudscapes must have been especially lovely if you'd been confined indoors. The swans are so beautiful!

  11. Someone with a knee problem. you certainly did a super job on capturing these great sights.

  12. I thought your knee was getting better. I must have been wonderful to be able to get out from home. Good on your friend.

  13. I love the fluffy clouds and your swan shot is terrific!

  14. Certainly been a wet year Andrew.
    I'll be glad to see the back of it.
    Amazing how the water birds soon commandeer a flooded field as their own.

  15. Gorgeous country! I like the cloud formations. The birds were taking advantage of the extra water.

  16. That was such a lovely sky... I sepcially enjoy the reflection of birds you managed to capture flying.

  17. Lovely shots, Andrew!
    I'm all for embracing powerlines & poles... it's something I decided I needed to do since we have huge ones near our home.

  18. These are all wonderful and what a nice friend to stop...I like that! Happy weekend~ Hope your knee/knees feel better soon~

  19. I loved the clouds as well. It's nice to see someone else's little corner of the world and nature gives such pleasure. Thanks for sharing and hope you heal rapidly.

  20. Andrew that is my sons name. I

    have knee problem also and one

    sciatic leg. It makes one not so

    fast anymore.

    So one has to be very careful and dont push your limits.

    Love you pictures. Fantastic!

    You did fine staying in one spot.

  21. I notice you have logs hanging and food in it. Strung up. Great idea.

    If we had that in Canada the squirrels would be swinging on them like Monkeys.Plus the chipmunks.

    I guess you dont have greedy squirrels that take away from the birds.

  22. they are all such a joy to view...wonderful sky photos! the swans I so love!
