Friday 12 October 2012

A change is as good as a rest........................................... watching Red Deer

A couple of days ago a friend kindly took pity on me and drove me to see the deer at Tatton Park.
The guy at the entrance informed us the rut hadn't started but we witnessed some of the stags preparing.

Red Deer are the largest land animal in Britain
A couple of single stags looked ready to take their chance when the rut begins.

This one was practising his battle skills with a..... stick?

Take that!... stick.

Letting the big boys know he's around...

This Royal Stag doesn't seem too worried though...he already has a harem of around forty hinds.

All muscle and brawn... he's going to take some shifting.

Maybe next year son...

A young Fallow Deer... so cute.
These are just a few images from the trip and believe it or not were taken from the road that goes through the park...
...nature viewed while sat in the comfort of a car.


  1. What a magnificent looking animal. Thanks for showing him.

  2. so awesome! incredibly handsome.

  3. These are great shots of the stags! A bit different than our deer, but equally impressive! Vehicles can be great hides. Funny how animals aren't bothered by humans in a car.

  4. Wow, great pictures! I love the one with all the grass in his antlers.

  5. Simply magnificent. While in the USA, I got to see elk real close, bison, American bluebirds and bears in the distance... It was cool!

  6. Fantastic!!!.. Superb Pictures of deer.. Congrat..

  7. these are totally amazing, i mean that, i would so love to see these magnificent animals. wow and wow again. super duper shots Andrew.

  8. Such majestic creatures. Do they have a bugle similar to an Elk? These are all beautiful shots, but I am partial to the grassy one - It's not something you usually see.

  9. The Red Deer are beautiful in every way, and your friend, must have a lovely heart.

  10. Beautiful pictures :)
    Enjoy your weekend

  11. Hi Andrew...I call that fella massive..he is a big boy!!
    I just love the battle loser with the headdress of grass lol!!

  12. Great shots Andrew. It's been years since I've seen a Red Deer route. Definitely on my to do list.

  13. wonderful series!!! So playful:-)

  14. Cannot decide which is my favorite, they are all so wonderful! Congrats to you on this successful outing!

  15. Wonderful photos of the Red Deer Stages and the cute Fawn.

  16. They're impressive animals! Wow. That is some excellent drive-by! Thanks for sharing. (I didn't know anything about these red deer in England.)

  17. "Excellent" has been used so I will say these are "Superior" photos of the Red Deer in antler action. Very cool action shots!
    Love the Fawn too.

  18. These photos are quite striking. Like others, I didn't now about the Red Deer in England. Are they bigger than the elk of the Highlands? Don't think I'd want to be around them during the rutting season.

  19. what a tough looking dude.

    having a blogoversary today with a giveaway ... hope you can stop by. send your friends over too. big big hugs.(:
