Wednesday 15 August 2012

How can a such a vandal............................................................... be so cute

I am in the garden watching........ and he doesn't give a hoot.

The feeder was brand new just a week ago... as you can see I have already made attempts to repair it.
In this image he has already removed the lid.

"Now if I can just swing it to and fro... the seeds will all drop to the ground"

"Whoops! dropped one"

"and another"

"It's all over the floor now... it will be easier to feed off the ground"

"You might as well... not much left for us as usual...
...and it's costing Andrew a fortune"

"Stop moaning... at least I have found the lid off the feeder"


  1. They can be annoying little blighters Andrew! but we still spend hours (enjoying?) watching their antics!!...[;o)

  2. Yes, destructive little blighters.
    Not my favourites, for sure.

  3. Andrew, these are amazing pictures. Although I know that you're not too excited about ...

  4. I love the blighters, except when I'm out feeding something, and not squirrels.

  5. it is totally a survival mechanism - they're cute so we put up with their ravaging ways. :)

  6. Yep, they're cute, and very determined creatures.

  7. I am laughing right now at this post for several the outlaw squirrel, your comments, and most of all b/c: We just put out bird feeders for the first time in years and the dratted starlings managed to tear out all the perchy things so the seeds would fall out faster. Bill repaired them with (I bet you can guess)...for a minute here I thought I was looking at our feeder!!! Too funny. (Although sort of too sad too)

  8. He should have been in the Olympics.

  9. LOL! They're persistent little buggers! Very athletic, too! You should try putting some grease on the pole. Cooking grease works and isn't nasty like mechanical grease.

  10. Wonderful series. Gotta love them!

  11. Great series Andrew, they are cute but so distructive. I finally got a hood and a cage for around my feeder so the feeder and the seed lasts a lot longer.

  12. Cute as can be!

  13. Great photos of your rascally squirrel, and a pretty bird mixed in. Loved the header shot too.

  14. What an acrobat! Great shots.

  15. So annoying but you can't help being amused by his efforts! Love the captions!
