Thursday 16 August 2012

Harvested............................................................................. but then it rained

The field in front of the tree I pass on my commute had been cut when I passed it on Wednesday morning.

I made a mental note to capture a few images on my return journey... hopefully it would be left to dry out.

Well guess what?... we had a real downpour that afternoon... the hay was sodden.

The lovely rows of golden brown were flattened... still a nice colour but not as I had wished.

The wet weather had also brought out the slugs... I had to take care plodding through the wet grass.

The gate that was open a few days ago was now closed.

I leant on it to take the view up the track towards the tree... bring on Autumn for a change of colour...
...after an Indian summer of course.


  1. sorry their hay crop was rained on! hope it will dry enough to be raked and baled.

  2. I'm glad that your tree is alright. Love the Slug, lol.

  3. Great shot of that slug!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.P.S. Hope your Mom is well.

  4. I bet that damp hay smelled sweet and wonderful,it will dry I'm sure and soon be rolled into great bales for your Autumn photos!

  5. That is definitely one heck of a slug! But a beautiful landscape all around.

  6. Sodden but still lovely. I liked the one of the slug, fascinating with the red edging.

  7. Hi Andrew..Love the golden colors with the green foliage, made for very nice photos...soon the tree will be colored : { I hate that summer is almost over, and for me it was so miserably hot, and for you to wet..either way not enjoyable!!
    And yes there better be an Indian Summer ; ]!!

  8. I really, really like these....wonderful shots.

  9. Wonderful open field shots. I really like the lone tree.

  10. That looks a lot different after being cut. The tree is still fantastic, though! Hope things dry out so they can finish the harvest.

  11. Hi there - I have come to like that tree almost as much as you do!

    Cheers - Stewart M

  12. ..wonderful, lovely pics!
    Please see mine at:
    -your latest follower

  13. It still looks lovely Andrew.
    I once saw a field on my journey into the big city and made a mental note to stop and get some images on my way back home, and the road had been closed for re-surfacing, for 2 days, the sign said;')~

  14. ♡¸.°.¸♫♫♪
    A quinta foto é muito bonita e seria um modelo perfeito para uma tela à óleo.!

    Bom fim de semana!

  15. Just beautiful, love the slug shot! Visiting from Sky Watch Friday.

    My Skywatch, hope you'd come and see.
    Have a great weekend.

  16. What a difference a few days makes.

  17. I have never see a slug that big. I believe, if I did, I'd have to run the other way. I too am ready for some different colors!

  18. I'm glad that the tree still standing.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
