Friday 17 August 2012

A tragedy..................................................................... with a macabre ending

If you are squeamish please stop reading this post now.
For the interested I have taken all these images from a distance on wasn't pleasant.

As I returned home this evening I saw the body of a Woodpigeon that had been hit by a car lying in the road.
It's partner was pacing up and down looking very distraught.

I really enjoy seeing a pair of Woodpigeons in my garden... my garden "hoovers" for those in the know.
 I now have just one looking a bit forlorn sitting below my feeders... it was one of mine.

The Magpies were already gathering nearby... my urban vultures.

 A bit of bad luck for "Woodie" becomes good luck for the Magpies.

A seed feeder becomes the diet of carnivores within minutes of death... that's nature I suppose.
I couldn't make up my mind whether to post this or not so went with it anyway... apologies if I shouldn't.

The Bird D'pot


  1. no apologies needed! the cycle of life. and i love seeing your magpies - the hoovers of the hoovers, i suppose.

  2. Nothing wrong with posting it. I feel so sorry for the one left.

  3. Oh dear, the poor bird and poor mate.

  4. I guess we all think more kindly of the seedeaters. Woodpigeon becomes magpie and life continues.

  5. No, these things happen. Can't hide them. Plus if some didn't know already, animals have feelings and feel loss. You showed that here. Well done Andrew.

  6. Unfortunately, this happens.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  7. Sorry you lost one of your garden visitors! I rarely see birds getting hit by cars. Normally, it's deer and small mammals. Hopefully, the other pigeon will find a new mate.

  8. One of lifes circles. Richard

  9. Always sad to see Wood Pigeons killed like this Andrew, but unfortunately they have a habit of playing 'chicken' with road traffic.

  10. Unfortunately that's life (and Death). Death for one is life for another. That's nature. Have a great day Andrew.

  11. Too bad about the pigeon, Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. I'm sorry about the loss of one of your regular garden visitors. Animals don't stand much of a chance against vehicles.
    Regarding the Magpies, nature is sometimes harsh but efficient.

  13. ...this is all part of nature [even tho it's caused by traffic] ---for me, I withstood the loss by viewing your images. Sad, tho. When my husband was a youngster he raised pigeons, so it's always a feeling of great loss, I understand. And, even tho the magpies are scavengers, they too are beautiful.

    Terrific photos, and great commentary this week.

    Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot.

  14. All part of nature. You did get some great shots of the magpies.

  15. That's life and death...
    Good post!!!

  16. A good post -- I don't always comment on older posts (when I get behind) but just wanted you to know that I wasn't at all grossed out by this -- I think it's good to post the realities of nature. (Of course I posted an alligator eating a turtle, so you may already know that I'm not too squeamish).. The magpies are just doin' their job.

  17. That's life. The magpies are doing what they must to survive. Interesting post.
    Rubbish by Roan

  18. A part of nature (life) ...... nice picture series.
    Hanne Bente
