Friday, 23 March 2012

Toads doing what toads do in spring.................. in the Northwich Woodlands

I produce more than one post from my weekend walks... these images and video clip were taken just a few minutes after watching (and listening to) the lovely Song Thrush a couple of posts ago.

I had arrived at the part of my local nature reserve known as Dairy House Meadows... alongside the footpath are a few small ponds... I went looking for frog spawn but was delighted to see toads mating.

 Common Toad (Bufo bufo).

The males are smaller than the females... toads are terrestrial but must return to water to breed.

A short video clip below I managed to capture.

Looking for love... a puzzle I have never solved.

The pool I captured the images and video clip at is just a few yards from this wonderful carved bench..
I have shared this before... the last time was when herd of escaped calves were using it as a scratching post.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are great, love the one just above the fantastic carved bench, that is hanging there and holding on to the floating needles. color me green with envy.

TexWisGirl said...

our frogs and toads have been very active, too. spring has sprung...

Bob Bushell said...

They've been at it again, lots of toads. Brilliant photos.

holdingmoments said...

Love the video Andrew.

Anonymous said...

Nice video Andrew. I have a couple ponds nearby with frogs and have never been able to get a still photo let alone a video. These frogs are skitterish.

Anonymous said...

Great video Andrew, you're turning into a real pro!

Nancy said...

Looks like summer there... :)

Sallie ( said...

Spring is in the air! You were at the right place at the right time, for sure! I love the pictures, thank you for sharing.

Gillian Olson said...

Great photos and video, and the bench is really interesting.
I have heard lots of frogs but have not spotted any, you must have better eyes than me, actually that won't be too hard.

Chatty Crone said...

Showed my grandson the video and he thought it was awesome. sandie

Brian King said...

That's great, Andrew! Love your video clips. The bench is very appropriate considering the subject matter!

BlueShell said...

Oh...LOL...they do what nature is expected to do....
Every body does

(beautiful moments you captured)

Pantherka said...

Great post Andrew.

lotusleaf said...

Great photos and video of toads! The carved bench is wonderful!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Ah! Toady love!! The bench is fabulous, I'd be surprised VP from Liverno hasn't got his eye on this one for his collection!

Unknown said...

This is great! And what a cool bench.

Rohrerbot said...

Love the shots. We don't get to see this often here in Arizona. Great finds....and I love that bench.

DawnTreader said...

Great captures. I love how the straws are all different colours, looks a bit like a game of pick-up-sticks (Mikado) ;)

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Loved the froggies :-)

Carole M. said...

:) always enjoy the video clips; they make your posts even more interesting, just being right there for the moment. I do remember that carved bench seat too.