Thursday, 22 March 2012

Witton Brook entering the River Weaver............... from Cardens Ferry Bridge

The stream that flows through part of the Northwich Woodlands is called Witton Brook and it enters the towns main waterway the River Weaver at this point.
It was from this brook that the local rangers pumped water to refill my favourite place for bird watching which really suffered from last years drought... Haydn's Pool.

Haydn's Pool... is looking fantastic.

The birds are back but the water levels are still quite high for the waders... I did see a Redshank feeding on one of the islands.... so fingers crossed  for 2012.

Witton Brook from the path alongside Haydn's Pool... that's Northwich town centre in the background.
I live within walking distance of this wonderful nature reserve... it's 374 hectares of mainly reclaimed industrial land and home to some amazing wildlife... and it's my favourite place to relax.


TexWisGirl said...

no wonder you love it - if it is within walking distance. the cloud reflections in that top shot are perfect! :)

Furry Bottoms said...

Beautiful reflections in the first pic!

Unknown said...

Grand reflections in the first shot!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Dianne said...

Yes it's amazing the difference water makes .... A wonderful sheltered haven for the bird-life. I like the top pic with clouds reflecting.

Sylvia K said...

I do particularly love the reflections in your first shot! Really superb! Wonderful skies for the day! Happy SWF!


Bob Bushell said...

Well photographed, the brooks are at wettest, unlike others. Superb.

Anonymous said...

Notice how the sky looks better in the reflection than the sky itself? I've seen this many times. Must be some scientific reason behind that. You are very fortunate to live within walking distance to such a wonderful resource... but you already knew that. Enjoy it often.

joo said...

Nice place for a walk!

Joop Zand said...

Nice landscape pictures..... lovely place.

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew..Waking distance is nice ...gas bill not so nice!! ; }
That first one is a fabulous reflection shot!!
Nice to see things looking like good days to come!!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful scenery and a lovely place to walk. I really love the first shot showing the reflections of the clouds and sky. Great captures.

Mildred said...

Loved visiting your blog!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful shots!

Happy weekend****

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Andrew these are fantastic, oh so beautiful the scenes here!

Carole M. said...

Hi Drew; enjoyed the walk via your photos; lovely to have this so close to home

Anonymous said...

Love the reflections of the clouds on the water! What a wonderful place to relax in.

Susan Scheid said...

Clouds reflected in water--it's impossible to tire of that, isn't it?

Kay said...

Very nice photos.

Horst in Edmonton said...

Let's hope the water stays in the Pool so the water birds have a good home.

Gillian Olson said...

That first picture is superb, thanks for the tour.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I like the rflection of the first photo. I find it very hard to get good reflection photos.

How often you leave you camrecorder on?

thomas said...

Wow!That's a beautiful sky reflection
in the first shot.

Chubskulit Rose said...

So beautiful!

Written in the Sky

cieldequimper said...

THe first photo is a gem. I wonder why it's called Haydn's pool?

Pantherka said...

It's a beautiful place and nice pictures of the landscape.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful place and i love that last shot, wish i could see it

Sallie ( said...

Thank God for all that beautiful water! Can't wait to see the birding from there on future posts.

Brian King said...

Wow, that's gorgeous! The clouds are fantastic! You have a wonderful place to spend time and I'm always in awe of the beautiful scenery available to you.

Connie Smiley said...

What a wonderful place to live near, so beautiful. That first shot with the clouds reflected in the water--priceless!

Unknown said...

Lovely ponds and great reflections on the top shot!

Carole M. said...

the first and final photos are so beautiful Drew; lovely scenery close to home, such a bonus. I always say home is where the heart is's so good to get out and enjoy what is a part of your surrounds