Wednesday, 22 February 2012

What a crap drive home last night............................10 mph max for five miles

I was stuck in traffic on my way home from work last night for over an hour due to roadworks that have been going on for over a month.... It's just as bad in the morning.
To relieve my frustration... or rather just to find something to do I got my little point and shoot out and handheld it for a few minutes to record my 10mph "rush hour" journey.
I am 56 but I have to admit I still listen to BBC Radio One on my commute... Chris Moyles in the morning and Scott Mills on my way home.

The radio was my only comfort... and boy did I need comfort.
I managed to stop swearing long enough for it not to appear on the soundtrack.
Tonight was a little better but it was raining....
Youtube may remove the music...  so I apologize now if they do.


TexWisGirl said...

well, at least it was construction and not an accident... :)

TexWisGirl said...

and beyonce's jammin'

joo said...

How well I know it!

Sallie ( said...

I remember those days! (sometimes better than I remember yesterday ;>)!)

I didn't get the reference to "still listen to BBC".. is it more for younger people usually or more for older people? Whatever, radio is definitely a good companion when you're driving alone.

holdingmoments said...

Oh I hate traffic like that. :-(

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...Just think how nice the road will be when it is finished ...; } lol!! No curing at me now, just trying to smooth the feathers..: }!!
I still like this kind of music, but once the same line has been repeated one to many times that it, chance the dial!! haha!
Hope your commute improves!

Bob Bushell said...

Keep on truckin'.

Horst in Edmonton said...

Hey Andrew, it's weird to see you drive on the left side.

Anonymous said...

Yikes Andrew, switch the station on the radio to a classical music station in situations like that. Classical music is a great stress reliever. My I would be frustrated and cussing too listening to that. In fact I'd get out and walk and you could pick me up at the end. (:^))

Veronica said...

See now that would just make me want get out and dance on the hood!! Love that song!!!

Sondra said...

I like that song...hear it all the time--WELL you're on the wrong side of the I have my CD's I enjoy on my ride to and from...

Anonymous said...

Great post! I freaked a little when I saw traffic on the opposite side of the road but realized I was no longer in the USA! You reminded me that I'm listening to too much talk radio lately. Music always makes the commute easier...not much when it's like this but at least a little. And, btw, I'm 59 and that station rocks! LOL

Anonymous said...

Watch out for that road rage!

Boy, I'm a little slow tonight. I did'nt realize you were driving on the left hand side of the road until half way through the song..I was busy jammin wit Beyonce!

Gillian Olson said...

So frustrating.

cieldequimper said...

At least you are moving! I tend to have to shift from 1st into second back into first!

Carole M. said...

that'd be a typical drive home from work in the cities here forgetting the roadworks. It's really tedious and tiring isn't it getting home in the dark after a long drive with all the tail-lights ahead.

Pantherka said...

Terrible traffic when work on the road ...

The Glebe Blog said...

Very few traffic holdups in Galloway

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Thank heavens for the radio when your in heavy traffic! I tend to sing at the top of my voice (windows shut) but get some very odd looks from surrounding cars!!