Thursday, 23 February 2012

Plant your garden for insects this year.............................. you won't regret it

The image below is of my little garden in 2005.. I had just moved in.

 It was a bit neglected... but just needed a bit of care and attention.

I soon had it tidied up and added some bedding plants to brighten it up.

The small bed on the right was sown with a mixture of wild flowers ideal for insects.
 "so it said on the packet"

 My first digital images of insects were taken that summer.

Prairie planting it said... and oh! did it grow.

Three feet high in no time... and it attracted lot's of insects into my garden.

Low on maintenance... it just required the occasional watering.
After seeing these old images again I don't know why I haven't done it since.

The bees love the Snap Dragons.

The Sweet Peas were looking good as were the rest of the bedding plants.

Not the sharpest images but record shots to see I had achieved my goal of attracting wildlife into my garden.

My little home is tiny...  I have a minimalist lifestyle...but at least I have some outdoor space.
The birds are well fed ... and of course they also enjoy the insects.


Carole M. said...

lovely Andrew; tlc does wonders for a tired garden space and the colour you injected sure looks great. I noticed lupins in the back left of one photograph; I adore lupins but not something I can grow in a temperate climate; they like your cold air.

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

Andrew - warm and lovely from you again! I believe your little garden is attracting both people and insects. A minimalist lifestyle is getting popular in this country among young people, who like to share , not only buy.

Brian King said...

Great looking garden you've got there, Andrew! You're just needed some TLC.

The Herald said...

Andrew, that's a colourful garden you have there and I'm sure the birds and insects enjoy it just as much as you...[;o)

Dianne said...

Ah! ..... It's a magical area with that delightful mix of field flowers .... Perfect for busy bees and other little creatures. bravo!

Unknown said...

What a lovely garden, Andrew! Great shots too.

Anonymous said...

You have done a beautiful job of transforming your backyard into an insect/bird haven. Great job!

Your beautiful garden has left me wanting to make a trip to the local gardening store. I also can't wait for Spring to get here so I can care for my garden and do some major yardwork (1 acre).

This years project is to finish my compost leaf fence and plant some vines in it.

Sondra said...

You did a fabulous job with your small garden....I love to garden, where I live the soil is horrible..almost pure sand from the time when Oceans were HERE!! Maybe I should plan sea weed?
iNsects are FUN and a Challenge to photograph...Ive squinted thru the viewfinder trying for shots!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is beautiful and i like the prarie a lot. in Florida we need some kind of plant that will kill insects.

MoiCLouLou said...

Andrew, these pictures are beautiful; I love wild prairie flowers. We did exactly the same thing many years ago and just like you, I should do it again. Low maintenance like you say and beautiful colors that will also attract butterflies...
You have a beautiful garden, I just love it!
Have a nice day,

Anonymous said...

Your wildflower area gave me an idea for one last bare section we have. But I'll have to run it by the design and review committee first. She has some California Poppy in there now so I don't see why some wildflower seed thrown in would be rejected. You have a nice little private garden there.

TexWisGirl said...

i have always loved the english gardens. a few folks manage to duplicate them well, here. i've never been one to try...

Fábio Martins said...

So many colorful flowers :)
I like it

J said...

You've certainly done a good job with that garden, Andrew. Looks like a haven for you and the wildlife! (I'm a bit envious as I live in a flat and don't have a garden!)

joo said...

Your garden is lovely Andrew!

Captain Shagrat said...

Really nice. Hve you been watching the new Sarah Raven series about growing flowers/grasses etc for insects. I think she would give you a silver gilt;-)

Susan Scheid said...

That is one beautiful garden!

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...Nice post ..right up my alley for interest! Considering the insect is key to a delightful garden!!
I think it wonderful this little space you have made into a lovely spot..many of the same flowers I have in my gardens !!

Pantherka said...

Andrew beautiful garden ...

Jerry said...

Wow what a delightful idyl your garden is - roll on those warm days to enjoy it Andrew

Sallie ( said...

Oh Andrew that garden is like something out of a picture book! I love it so much. I don't very often envy gardeners (we made the choice for another lifestyle on purpose) but these pictures make me envious!!

CameraCruise said...

What a beautiful garden, love it!

Chatty Crone said...

Love you bugs!!!! sandie

Susan said...

Very pretty little garden! I love flowers!