Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Last winter was freezing....................................... this one has been so mild

Not a lot happening on the garden feeders... so few images from a year ago.
The Winter of 2010/11 was so cold... I had never seen Redwings or Fieldfares in my garden before.


A few apples on the lawn for the Blackbirds soon attracted both species.

Boxing Day brought snow... the Goldfinches were so glad I had filled my feeders.
-18c was reached during the Xmas period.

These images were all taken from inside my house.
I'm not that daft...It was freezing.

This little fella was always hanging around looking for scraps.

I had to share this Robin... I have just found some images of him I had forgotten about.
It's the lovely little bird that fed from my hand.

To see more wonderful birds click on the link below.


Unknown said...

-18C- a walk in the park!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

TexWisGirl said...

isn't it amazing the difference from last year to this year - seemingly for both sides of the pond. :)

Anonymous said...

I just love your little Robins, they are so darn cute. We are having a extremely mild winter here in Tennessee, which means we are probably going to have a hot summer..Yipeee, love the heat!

Bill S. said...

Your goldfinch and robins are a lot different than ours are. I would love to see and photograph them.

Gardener in the Distance said...

You can't help but admire their courage.

mick said...

Great photos but, oh, it does look so very cold! The last photo of the robin is just perfect.

Bob Bushell said...

Global climate. Your pictures are beautiful.

John said...

It was very cold last winter and this one we have been experiencing temperatures that we are more used to in the summer! On Thursday it`s going to get to 17C! Unheard of in Feb! What`s going on with the weather!?

Carole M. said...

so glad you feed the birds in the cold; gosh it must be hard on them. The robin, yes I remember your video with him coming to your hand for feed. So beautiful up close in this photograph too. Lovely post again.

joo said...

Lucky you! Here was freezing last winter and still is!
Beautiful Goldfinch came to visit you:)

Anonymous said...

I was going to say the very thing Carole did... I remember the video of you feeding Robins from your hand. I believe someone mentioned it to me and that is how I discovered your blog. Maybe time to do a rerun of the video for newcomers to enjoy.

barbara l. hale said...

Wonderful photos! We have had a very mild winter here in the northeast USA also. Some birds that normally migrate have stayed put. Makes me a little nervous.

holdingmoments said...

I'm sure the birds appreciate this milder winter as much, or if not more, than we do Andrew.
The little Robin was a star.

eileeninmd said...

The weather has been very strange lately but I will not complain. I love this mild winter we are having. I love all your birds, the Goldfinch is one of my favorites. Great shots.

Shaun said...

boy was last year a cold one, your right on the button there Andrew. Nice to see these birds were still willing to come out in this temperature.

Kay said...

Once again I love your photos.

Reena said...

I'm not complaining ... I like this mild winter. Love those colorful finches!

Gillian Olson said...

So glad you shared these pictures. These birds are beautiful and the pictures amazing.

Carletta said...

The looks of that bird feeder makes me shiver. :)
LOVE that little robin - adorable image!!

Nature Rambles said...

Fascinating to see how birds survive that kind of conditions! Nice images despite taking them from inside the house!

Zyzzyz said...

Lovely images especially the robin the bird feeder covered in snow.

BlueShell said...

Oh, Drew...marvelous!
And you have got snow...and you have got talent!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your kind visits to my humble blog!

Nancy said...

I'm happy that you re-posted these photos, Andrew, as I had not previously seen them. Just gorgeous!

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful photos!
Love Robins.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they have such sweet little painted faces, the robin is so adorable, i am thinking he is the same one as your beautiful header.

Ruby said...

Beautiful pictures. The Robin is so adorable:) Cheers, Ruby

Brian King said...

Wait. I see something white in your photos. What is that? Oh, yeah, snow. Something we've had very little of this winter. Beautiful shots!

EG CameraGirl said...

You take wonderful photos from inside your house! WOW!

NatureFootstep said...

we had a lot of redwings in November but then they dissappeared. They are beautiful birds.

Susan Scheid said...

Interesting, isn't it? We have the same problem at our feeder. Only when we had some snow, though really only a little dusting, everyone was back!

Pat said...

Your little Robin is the sweetest-looking bird!

Sallie (FullTime-Life.com said...

They're all gorgeous, but the English Robin is purely beautiful/

Springman said...

The weather "Over There" is big news here in Michigan. We shake our heads in disbelief with pictures of the colosseum in snowy white. What's next, the Sphinx? True that your winter wasn't so bad in the UK? That is scary weather in Europe.
Love your driving home video. Funny stuff!
Thanks for your kind comment on my post this week. Yes please call me Dave if you like. Springman is a firehouse nickname derived for my last name Springer.
Take care Andrew!

Martha Z said...

When all else fails, it's nice to have our archives.
I do like your Robin, much cuter than what we call a Robin.

Cheryl said...

Yes, your robin is ever so different from ours. I understand they can be querulous too. Ours are peaceful and I never tire of seeing them. They came in droves a couple of weeks ago. So much fun to capture them in midwinter.

Chatty Crone said...

I really love bird watching here. sandie