Monday, 2 January 2012

A visit to Dunham Massey......................... to enjoy the winter sunshine

It was a lovely sunny day today but very chilly.. we had overnight frost in Cheshire.
It's a national holiday and I decided on a visit to Dunham Massey.
One problem!... so did everyone else.

 The queue into the car park over half a mile long... and finding a place was difficult.

 I went back to take more images of the 17th century buildings.
One of the windows was broken and I could just manage to poke my camera through and fire away.

Just look at all these old mangles...
I think the barrel contraption on the left could be a washing machine.

This is the canal feeding the Water Mill.

 I made my way through the crowds in the deer park... I usually walk alone?

I had a walk over to the Deer House built in the beaten track for a bit of peace and quiet.
It's a wonderful old building to see... inside and out.

... the mangers fed from the hayloft above where positioned here.

As you can see from the kids scooters... it wasn't peaceful for very long.
I have more of Dunham to share over the next few days... it's back to work in the morning.
Storms are forecast for tomorrow.

To see more womderful barns click on the link below.


TexWisGirl said...

i recognize that deer house from your prior post(s). such a cool building. sorry about the crowds, though! just getting you broken back in for work tomorrow, i suppose... :)

Carole M. said...

Morning Andrew! Well it's my early morning at least --- an interesting visit. Seems like you squeezed in a day before the bad weather, and before another working day. Like you said, everyone else had the same idea! Deer House in good nick after all those years... Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Another great tour Andrew!! Boom & Gary from the Vermilon River, Canada.

Brian King said...

I love that old building in the second photo! I'm not one who enjoys crowds, but you got some great pictures, Andrew!

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, I can see why everyone wanted to be out & about. There's lots to see and photograph at Dunham Massey!

ADRIAN said...

You did well............blow me away with a feather. I'd have took one look at the car park and retired to the pub.

barbara l. hale said...

A nice day this time of year will bring out the crowds unfortunately. Looks like you managed to take some pretty nice photos in spite of it. Love the one looking in the window at all those old machines.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Pleased you caught a little sunshine and it looks to be an amazing place to wander alone or with a few. Hope your work week goes quickly and well Andrew.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I have to tip my hat to you for your perserverance. The line alone to get to the car park would have deterred me as I sat there wondering "What was I thinking?" I am always impressed with the bricklaying of the buildings you show. They were real craftsmen.

holdingmoments said...

That's a lot of people there Andrew.
Brave man to face that lot lol

A great bunch of treasures in that old building. I remember my mum having a mangle. I must be older than dirt.

Bitch said...

This is a problem everywhere!
The same idea for going to have a peaceful walk!!!
Have a great new year, Andrew!!!!!

Chatty Crone said...

The crowds and the cars - impressive - but not as much as the buildings.


Susan said...

As usual, beautiful pictures. I love seeing your countryside through your eyes!

Mari said...

I absolutely love your old buildings! They have so much character, and so much more history than ours!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Loved your photos of these beautiful buildings!

Pantherka said...

Have you had a wonderful walk through Andrew. Beautiful images. Where parking is a problem everywhere. But did you know how to cope.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I've not been to Dunham Massey for years, thanks for sharing these photos!

Gardener in the Distance said...

Nothing like a bit of space at this time of year, is there? The Deer House is a remarkable building. Thankyou, Andrew.

Carletta said...

I'm glad you revisited Andrew and got some shots of the inside of this wonderful old barn.
I do believe all those machines look like old washers, even the box one on the left.
That's a lot of people out on such a cool day.
Hope you have a good day at work and your storms aren't severe.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely extraordinary & gorgeous structures! I love them & would sooo love to visit one day & see them for myself! WoW!

Thank you very much for joining, much appreciated! =)

Rose said...

I have really enjoyed these photos...will try to make it back to see the rest of them from this place.

Unknown said...

Love the old buildings and what a collection of mangles!

Kim, USA said...

Wow those are old laundry machine I guess. I like these kind of walk very interesting. ^_^

Barn Charm

Unknown said...

I wouldn't mind a photo shoot there. Fascinating place and great show of photos you brought along!
All those people though.... ugh :D