Sunday, 1 January 2012

Marbury Country Park................. my first walk of 2012 was a wet one

A dull grey day with more the odd shower of rain.
I had a short drive to Marbury Country Park this morning.

Just a week ago it looked like this.

"A little bit of history about my patch".
Marbury Country Park used to be a private estate and the centrepiece was
a magnificent country house based on the great French château of Fontainebleau.
Marbury Hall.

Marbury Hall was demolished in the 1960's... none of the house exists any more.
However raised terraces a pair of rusticated gate piers topped with urns, stone walls, the arboretum and walled garden still exist within the country park.
Today was dull and wet.
At the back of where the house stood the original steps take you down to Budworth Mere.

Marbury Hall would have dominated the view from here.
A stately home until the 1930's then a posh Country Club... taken over by the forces during WW2.
 A  prisoner of war camp then a home for Polish refugees after the war.
Finished in 1856 and demolished in 1968 it has quite a history.
Black Swan (Cygnus atratus).
A pair of Black Swans have been a regular sight on my patch for a few years.

An Australian species....
 ...escaped birds from collections they have become a real favourite of mine over the years.

Raising up to six cygnets on the island at Haydn's Pool.
The young birds have always been lost to predation?

For the past 12 months there has only been one on my patch... another appeared 10 miles away at Moore NR last summer and featured in my video clip
Divorced out of frustration?
Apart from my garden birds I don't do lists... except for the first day of the year.
32 species with not a lot of effort... and a lovely time watching Bank Voles.
I met birders today that had driven miles to big up their lists.


TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous swan! perhaps the couple will work things out, but sad that their little ones have been lost!

ADRIAN said...

A grand venue. A bit damp here today too.
Beautiful swan.

Unknown said...

Great swan!! Why was the Hall torn down? Seems a shame. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Rambling Woods said...

I am sorry that this bird doesn't have a mate..I wonder what is taking the's tough to be young waterfowl as you are on everybody's menu...Michelle

Carole M. said...

what an exciting day trip you achieved Andrew. French château of Fontainebleau; I visited there, way back in about '93-94. Napolean once resided there, as I remember... Yes the swans are a graceful, elegant bird; great photographic specimens aren't they.

Dianne said...

I. Am wondering why such a. Magnificent building was demolished?
The beautiful black swans are plentiful in the wetland areas near my home. And yes they are exquisite creatures but when I'm in England I love to see the white variety.
Wishing you much health & many more rambles in 2012.

Susan said...

What a lovely area. Those black swans are so beautiful! It's really to bad the home had to be demolished especially with a history like it had.

Anonymous said...

Nice the Black Swans are allowed to remain even if not native to your land. Nice too that what was once a private estate is now free to public access. I also started the New Year with a little walk-about in the woods and came back with some fodder for tomorrow's post. Yes indeed as you said, a lovely way to start the year

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...Another bit of interesting history this time surrounding your patch!!
I sometimes wonder when I see parts of old fountaions and where there was a house what it looked like and the who,what,and when thing!!
The Black Swan is a magnificant water bird...thanks for sharing !!


Gemma Wiseman said...

A fascinating post! Marbury Hall looks like a grand old mansion! Such incredible architectural detail! I have black swans in my Mornington Peninsula world! Some are near the Safety Beach Golf Club. Innocently I was taking photos of the family on the lake when Mum decided to take offense, raced out of the water, chased me and gave me a hearty "thwump" on the back side! I never turn my back on them now!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I like all the trees I see in these photos--a rare sight in the desert where I live!


Shadows around me, shadows above;
Menacing shadows? No, just of love.
Shadows to guide me through each today,
Shadows around me at work or play.

© 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Shadows and Reflections

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous black Swan! Sorry about the gloomy day, but 32 species is good. Great photos, Happy New Year!

Cassie said...

Lovely shots, even on a gloomy day! What a shame the Marbury mansion/hall was torn down. Such history there. The black swans pop right off the computer screen. Wow! Happy New Year!

Kathie Brown said...

That black swan is magnificent! It looks as if its bill is made of peppermint candy! I cannot believe that ginormous house either! Yikes! Great post and Happy New Year! I ended the day with 27 species but I had to drive around to several places to get them all! Still, it was a very warm day here in NEW England and a great day to be outside!

joo said...

You took wonderful photos despite the weather! I love the light in the second one!

Fábio Martins said...

Wonderful pictures one more time :)
Happy New Year to you

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous black swan! Great pics too.

Pantherka said...

Beautiful and interesting post Andrew. Black swans are very beautiful.

Momentos Creativos said...

Que bello animal, el rojo contrasta con su plumaje negro, preciosa las fotos, un gusto estar en su blog.