Monday 30 January 2012

Saturdays ramble continues..................................................................

If you have been following this walk you will know I had arrived at Witton Brook... 
...if you haven't just scroll down to view the last post...

Standing on the wooden bridge which carries the path over Marbury Brook as it flows into Witton Brook.

I was turning left... this is the view I would have had if my choice had been right.
The black and white footbridge in the distance crosses Witton Brook before it  flows into the River Weaver 

The paths throughout the woodlands have little posts informing visitors of wild flowers.
The months they flower are painted in the flowers colour to help you find them.

Witton Brook has wonderful reed beds... alive with warblers during the summer months.
After a  few hundred yards I reached the steps that climb up to Haydn's Pool... there are 37.

I visited the new hide first... with the setting sun lighting up the reed bed in front of the main hide.
It was very cold last night and some of the pools surface was still frozen.

This is the back of the Sand Martin bank... I had to hold the camera over the fence to take this pic.
I was trying to show it's now a little island... hard to believe after this summers drought.

The middle of September last year... a front view of the Sand Martin bank.
To see it from behind surrounded by water was fantastic.

 Full to the brim... with a icy top... and ready for all the birds this year...

 I walked round to the main hide... the distant view of the factory is where my car is parked.

 I live the on the other side of the works... the sunset was wonderful.
I still had to make my way back... at least walking west the gloom was behind me.


  1. i love the colors of those reeds. and the setting sun doesn't hurt, either. :)

  2. Great post Andrew!! Boom & gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. You are very fortunate to have such a wonderful nature resource so close to home.

  4. I loved this walk, it seems very peaceful there. Lovely photos, beautiful colors. Enjoy your evening.


  5. A nice place to walk and capture anything exciting.

  6. you are truly and artist with your camera, these are beautiful. I would like to wander down that walkway in the second photo. i just came from a trip to Dublin on another blog, and now i have visited you.

  7. A very thoughtful guide post with the months/flowers depicted like that. Reed beds at Witton Brook; a lovely photograph Andrew; it does look a little brisk. What time of day is the sun setting there now?

  8. the power of our sun versus the power of man. the ultimate battle

    Excellent post Andrew, really like these photos

  9. Wonderful series, I so enjoyed your walk!

  10. Hi there - what a great set of posts. Many of the images remind me of when I used to work in Gateshead - all of the nature reserves there were reclaimed industrial land (or old railways)

    I can imagine that you could spend many, many hours in places like this.

    Cheers Stewart M - Australia

  11. HI Andrew..The Witton Brook photo is gorgeous ...that would be a wonderful painting or framed photo!!
    Lovely scenes with the sunset and all very nice!!

  12. I love the one where the sun is setting on the reeds!!!

    And the last one with the sun on the water.


  13. I love the second photo with the path.

  14. Very nice post! Looks like a lovely place for a walk! Your photos are beautiful!

  15. The photos are all so beautiful! You walk alot. You must be in great shape!

  16. Love those reed beds! Your landscape shots are gorgeous! That looks like my kinda place.
