Tuesday 31 January 2012

One of those freaky moments that happen every now and again.............

I had a lovely walk on Saturday afternoon after a busy morning at work.
(to see my walk scroll down to view the last two posts)

Back home having sorted my images... I was adding text to my images of the Long-tailed Tits I had seen during my walk.. when suddenly this little fella landed on the window ledge right in front of me.

It was one of those moments you can't explain... or I can't anyway.
I was actually typing the name... "Long-tailed Tit" when it happened... I couldn't believe it.

It was also a few weeks since I had seen them in my garden.

 I even managed to finish off the sentence I was writing before grabbing my camera to capture the moment.
Luckily for me after feeding in the bushes next to my window they visited the garden feeders...

...giving me time to capture a few more pics... all taken through my double glazed widows.

I know they need cleaning before anyone mentions it... lol.

While all this was going I had my other eye on my new feeder.
Bought to replace the one chewed to pieces by the squirrels... being chewed by a squirrel.

The seed has been disappearing quite quickly during the last couple of weeks.
The weather had been mild... the garden birds are finding natural food easy to find.

The squirrels efforts to get at the bird food has to be applauded despite the damage they cause.
The acrobatics displayed just trying to dislodge a few sunflower seeds was wonderful to watch.

To see more wonderful birds visit World Bird Wednesday by clicking on the image below.



  1. Those are great shots of the Longtail! I've never seen one. Congrats on the photo op!

    I can sympathize with your squirrel problem. I finally had to install a baffle on the primary feeder.

  2. oh, that silly squirrel. great photos! i gave up on my feeding the birds because of the squirrels. i live right in the forest & the squirrels are every where. the hubby was getting concerned that they may go into the house & live. so i stopped. so heartbreaking. because i would get all sorts of woodpeckers, & pretty song birds. just perfect. i can dream on them at those homes.... when visiting. (:

  3. That is a lovely bird Andrew, firs time ive ever seen one. Shame about those pesky squirrels.

  4. Love the squirrel and great capture of the Tit. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. Well taken photo opportunity Andrew...[;o)

  6. how wonderful; glad you got the little visitor who came to your window. Don't you just love those special moments in a day?! Great stress reliever are your busy one I'm sure; the icing on the cake. Beautiful bird. I've got the picture on the squirrels and their antics now; pesky is probably a polite way of putting it. How 'bout wrapping it up nicely with a little video-clip one day?

  7. a wonderful story, thanks for sharing. he is just so darn cute. i especially like the one with the fluttering wings. a good thing you were ready with your camera to grab a moment in time. squirrels are pest here to and ours in florida look just like this guy. but they are so cute we just put up with them.

  8. i think your little long-tails are the cutest things. :) must have been reading your mind. :)

  9. The beauty of the Long-tailed Tit, nicely photographed.

  10. This is where we start humming the theme from the Twilight Zone (in the US, anyways!)

  11. Andrew, cute shots of the longtail tit. It is wonderful to have the feeders nearby for photos. Great shots, thanks for sharing.

  12. Here in north America, they make a bird feeder that will give you even more pleasure in watching the squirrels on the feeder. It has a rotating ring at the bottom of the feeder that spins the squirrel off as soon as it puts pressure on the ring. Very funny to watch. You should look into it. Maybe they make one like it, in the UK.

  13. The first picture is as if he flew in to check to make sure you spell "Long-tailed Tit" correctly. No comment on the tree rats.

  14. Very nice Andrew i always enjoying seeing photos of the Long Tailed Tit and wish we had them here! looks like the feeder is not gonna pass the squirrel test...

  15. Lovely photos! Coincidences like that always leave me pondering...

  16. Hi Andrew...Don't just love it when things like that happen...
    It sure had good timing and some good photo for a plus...those squirrels ...good luck!!
    Grace x

  17. What a sweet surprise, Andrew. Glad you were able to capture the moment. Squirrels are such a pest at my feeder. They hang upside down and stuff their cheeks with sunflower seeds at great speed - it gets expensive. My dog is a fierce squirrel chaser - they always make it to the nearest tree though.

  18. What a cute little bird. Wonderful captures.

  19. LOL!!! Great shots. This has happened a couple times to me and it's awesome when it does. It was a sign:) I love people's squirrel stories....this guy looks like a real acrobat.

  20. Beautiful little bird. The squireeel are a pest, they chew all kinds of things outside here too, including electric wires.

  21. Great photos - even through the windows. A lovely experience to have the bird come to the window right at that moment.

  22. I love it...and I love the last one more! GREAT! Thank you Drew!

  23. Hi there - nice to see a bit a bird - human communication going on!

    Also glad to see the squirrels are living up to their reputation as bandits!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  24. What a lovely series, Andrew!

  25. Andrew, it's wonderful, beautiful photos. Were you on time ready to shoot, great job.

  26. Nicely done Andrew, great pictures.
    I had to have a look at what Horst mentioned and there are a few videos on Youtube. Very funny.

  27. That Long-tailed Tit is such a gorgeous little bird. Great captures of the bird and that naughty squirrel!

  28. your long tailed tits are much darker then ours. Ours is liek a snowball with a dark tail. :)

  29. I put out some cracked corn and some sunflower seeds in little trays under the feeders and they leave the feeders alone..so far anyway...glad you had your camera with you...Michelle

  30. Glad you kept your wits about you to be able to grab your camera.
    Ahh... the pesky little squirrel. Some days they try my patience but I love em'!
    Your windows aren't that dirty - trust me. :)

  31. That is the cutest little bird!
    Great captures of the squirrel's antics too.

  32. I love it when circumstances like that happen. It makes you feel all fuzzy inside doesn't it? Great shots of the Long-tailed Tits too Andrew!

  33. What a treat he was right there in front of your window. I shoot a lot of my backyard birds through my window! I agree, always enjoy watching the squirrels figure out how to get the food!
