Sunday 29 January 2012

More images from yesterdays walk........................................................

It was very cold as I set off from the car park and although it was a bright afternoon in shaded area puddles were still frozen from the previous nights frost.
Almost as soon as I set off I saw a small flock of Long-tailed Tits.

Always lovely little birds to see (and as I write this line one has just landed outside my window a few feet from my desk... just got a few pics through the window).

I got quite close to this Blackbird...she was determined to have the last berry on this bush.

It was a still calm day... not a ripple on the fishing pools.

...and with the low winter sun behind me the reflections were pin sharp.
I took loads of images... many in fact I couldn't decide which ones to share... this is a random selection.

This fishing pool is just off one of the main paths but is hidden in a small gated wood.
I had it all to myself.

The Uplands at Anderton has wonderful views (if you ignore the chemical works in this image) and is very popular for weekend dog walkers... a safe area to let them them off the lead.

I bypassed the Uplands to follow a path through a wood of Silver Birch which leads towards Witton Brook.

Looking back through the trees I could see the sun was getting quite low... time to get a move on.

Anderton Nature Reserve is reclaimed industrial land... some relics the past still remain.
The footbridge over Witton Brook linking Northwich town centre with the reserve can be seen in the background. 

The path I was following took me down to Witton Brook......... to be continued.


  1. A nice nature reserve to write about. Beautiful photos too.

  2. perfect reflection shots! and i love those birch or aspen trees, too. :)

  3. Love the shots of the nature reserve. You got some great pics. Okay...I tell you which reflection pic stands out. It's hard sometimes when the person takes them to decide:) I have the same issue. LOVE the first one of the larger tree reflection in the water. So if you were to frame one of those "trees reflecting in the water"....I'd go with the first:)

  4. Love the long-tailed tits. We don't have those around here. The closest here is the chickadee, which is pretty adorable, too, but the LTTs are little more sweet looking. Great shots of the ponds, too. It is interesting to see those pipes being reclaimed by nature.

  5. Im starting to take a shine to the Long tailed tits, they look quite the character.
    Excellent photos Andrew

  6. Andrew, seems like they’re reasonably comfortable with you being around; not too flighty? That first pond photograph is quite something special; an award winner I think. How low the sun through the trees; are they silver-birches? A lovely walk, and adventure…with camera.

  7. Great regists Andrew. I loved your landscapes

  8. The reflection of the sky and trees in the water seems sharper and more colorful than the real thing. It is as if the water is acting like a polarizing filter. Pretty interesting.

  9. can't pick a favorite, love them ALL you did good to post all these, no choice to make, post them all, that is my motto. the silver birch is close to my favorite. so beautiful.

  10. What a sweet little puff ball in that first shot. Great reflections too.

  11. Reflections in calm water are always magical. You've caught great ones here.

  12. Hello Andrew, cute shots of the long-tailed tits and I love the birch trees. And wow, your reflection shots are awesome. Great post and photos.

  13. Nice bird pics and gorgeous reflections.

  14. Your day shows a calm serene cool that's diametrically opposite from downunder OZ in the middle of the change that's brewing at the end of a heatwave!!!

  15. Great images from your walk Andrew. I like the setting sun through the Silver Birch trees...[;o)

  16. Loving the titmice (is that correct?) and the birch. Beautiful!

  17. The reflections are wonderful! Great shots indeed. And what a cute little fellow on top!

  18. Hi Andrew...Just gorgeous reflection and I especially like the sun shining through the silver birhces!
    Sweet as can be those Long Tailed Tits!!
    Grace xx

  19. Thanks for sharing these lovely scenes. The silver birches are gorgeous.

  20. Looks a bit more temperate than Galloway, although we've thawed out a little today. Still got snow on the hills though.

  21. Have you had a nice walk Andrew, beautiful photos.
