Friday 13 January 2012

Sandwich Terns................................................... Cemlyn Bay Anglesey

In June 2010 I had a lovely day trip to Anglesey in North Wales.
I have had two of my images taken that day published... one in a popular birding magazine and the second in a government newsletter... (scroll down two posts to read about that).
This little video clip was taken on the same day.

The tern colony at Cemlyn Bay is in a protected area and wonderful to see.
It's been posted before... and one of the first video clips I shared.
I hope you don't mind me re-sharing the moment.


  1. such cool-looking birds! don't get to see them here, obviously, so enjoyed them!

  2. They are wonderful to watch.

  3. lovely video clip Andrew. Congratulations on a publication in a birding magazine too, remember the governmental one from recent. I hope you've got that magazine right close to you.

  4. They are awesome, lovely video clip. Really enjoyed it. !!!

  5. I love this video clip!
    Have a lovely weekend!


  6. Wonderful. It is your videos that got me into this and I thank you. Next time though, see if you could get the players to hold it down a little with all that squaking.

  7. Hi Andrew...I remember seeing, and hearing lol that lovely clip!!
    Thanks for sharing it again : }
    Glad you liked my coastal photos..maybe your dream will come true someday!!
    If you want to see more coastal photos my daughter has started posting on here blog again, on my side bar it is Adventures with Renee..
    Gracexx have a good weekend!

  8. Not at all - I enjoyed it and the sunshine too. sandie

  9. That must have been amazing to see! I love those little ones, they are so different from what they will look like when grown up :)

    Congrats on getting published!

  10. I enjoyed the video. Thanks for sharing it!

  11. I don't mind the tiniest little bit! You can share Anglesey anytime (fond memories for me).

  12. I loved seeing the terns! Especially the babies.

  13. I'm just honored that you even drop by to visit my blog. You are so good and you surely do deserve to be published! Thank you for sharing!
