Saturday 14 January 2012

Kennel Woods..................................................... a lovely place to visit

It was freezing last night!...

... and I arrived home from work this morning to find my car was still frozen.
It's not severe... just -4c below over night.. 
We had wonderful sunshine and clear skies for the rest of the day.

 After a defrost I decided to visit Kennel Woods...  my childhood playground.
It's for sale and I discovered this week that part of it had been sold...there are covenants in place so hopefully nothing will change... although vehicle access is granted to the owners.

I put it all to the back of my mind and continued my walk.
One thing stood out as I walked around the woods...... Birch Polypore (Piptoporus betulinus).

Growing on fallen trees...

... as well as the living.

A stack of Birch Polypore ....a wonderful sight to see.

As I returned to my car I spotted this sign in the undergrowth.
 I suspect the locals don't approve the sale...

More info soon as I have just discovered the woodland has been broken up into four Lot's.


  1. It has been extremely cold in the Welsh valleys the last couple of days. Weather forecasts dont look good for us over the next week.

  2. Let us hope they respect the covenant. I notice the polypores are growing...this frost should put paid to that.

  3. HI Andrew...I really do have to figure his celcius formula in my head ...I don't know why we have to be different...but your car looks a bit frosty !
    Hope the area will be accessible, but more and more here peoples land is posted with no trespassing sign !!
    Have a warm weekend!

  4. hoping it will remain relatively the same. the fungi look like puffed up breads.

  5. Oh, I do hope that being divided into four lots doesn't mean something bad is going to happen!

  6. Hi Andrew,
    Seems it's a really nice place - in my opinion especially on summer.
    They have to protect it. I agree with them!
    Have a great weekend!
    Greetings Miklos

  7. wouldn't you love to have a quarter?! One of those woodlands to call your own, no public access. So what do those polypores do for the tree they live on, anything? The tree is just a source of nourishment for them I suspect. Are they useful for anything in particular I wonder. Thanks for sharing your walk in the woods; love that word 'woods'. Differing to our 'bush'.

  8. absolutely stunning photography and a place i would love to wander in. your header is so beautiful.

  9. Nice shots of the polypore! This place is similar to a place here I've hiked.

  10. Chuckled at seeing the sign down. Put me in mind of one of the verses of Woody Guthrie's famous (over here, anyway) song, This Land is Your Land:

    As I went walking I saw a sign there
    And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."
    But on the other side it didn't say nothing,
    That side was made for you and me.

  11. That was interesting growth on those trees. And breaking it up into four lots!? sandie

  12. Say Andrew, buy all four lots and we'll have our own private reserve. I'll go in on it with you. Just tell me where to send the check. Don't forget to tell me what the exchange rate is.

  13. A lovely woodland but aren't there some landscape retention restrictions which prohibit change in land use???

  14. four lots sounds scary.. lets hope they have enough sense to preserve it :) lovely photography.

  15. Thank you for this story from your close environment. Have a beautiful Sunday, Andrew!

  16. Andrew, beautiful series of photos. I would be nice to see the woodlands preserved. Have a great weekend!

  17. Hi, Andrew. I also hope the Woodlands are respected by the new owners. Very nice photos, and I now better appreciate Florida's "cold" weather this week-- daytime temperatures barely into the 70s (F).

  18. Wow ... Magnificent pictures. ! It´s simply gorgeous!

  19. Great shots, I never knew that was polypore, so I learned something new too.
