Wednesday 12 October 2011

Swing through the trees like a monkey....................................... Go Ape!

I really enjoyed my visit to Delamere Forest on Sunday.
You can wander for miles just enjoying the fresh air for free... I like it that way.
Others need a bit more to enjoy themselves... Delamere Forest has it all.
The visitor centre and cafe was very busy as I passed.
Bikes are for sale and hire but most people bring their own.

They even have a bike wash..... so you don't have to take the mud home with you.

The cycle trails are quite adventurous in places... this is a lot steeper than it looks in this image.

I used to cycle here myself years ago... this is where I taught my son how to ride a bike.
He came a cropper a few times... and bless him he held back the tears although he accepted a hug and a cuddle after one big spill... that all took place over 17years ago.
It could have been yesterday... wonderful memories.
But for some people to enjoy the great outdoors means another sort of adrenalin rush...
..and.this forest has just the thing.
Go Ape.

A lovely wooden scupture at the start of Go Ape.
 You put on a safety harness...

 ... trust the metal work fastened to the trees...
...then just hurl yourself into the air and fly along a zip line.
You then climb up again clip on your safety line and negotiate the rest of the obstacles up in the trees.
It's quite a way up is forty foot.
Doing the splits on a rope walk... it's not a stroll in the park.
Great fun sliding down a zip wire... this finish wasn't so elegant though.
Please view the images clockwise from the top left...the last two are out of focus but were funny to witness.
It was a lovely walk and I had plenty of free entertainment.
A sit down and a hot cup of tea at the cafe at Delamere Station finished my day off perfectly.


  1. It is posh in washes!........Safety harnesses! Proper spoilt you are.
    A great bit of documentary.

  2. i like that - something for everyone. :)

  3. Hi Andrew...Poor fellar wonder if he will go Ape again!!
    It is nice to have a place for families and can get out for recreation , such as yourself and the menories you have made !!

    You won't see me on any hanging lines or ropes ..I prefer my feet on the ground! Hmmm sometimes I am not so great on my feet either lol ; }

    ♥ Grace

  4. A nice time in the forest, I hope they wont damage the trees, birds, animals, butterflies, dragonflies, etc etc etc. But I don't want to spoil everybodies fun.

  5. I like sports too :)
    Very nice shots on that day

  6. Thanks for the tour. Zip lines seem to be cropping up everywhere.

  7. Andrew, that is a wonderful place to enjoy the forest and so many things to do, to keep people happy.

  8. Oh what a wonderful place. I'd love to go visit.. and do that hangy swingy flying through the air thing!

  9. What a great series and a wonderful day! Our daughter and sil went on a zipline when they visited Hawaii recently...she just loved it!

  10. Yikes... You won't find me on one of those!

  11. You sure that at the end you're not in the army!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. Gosh you even followed me after my sad post today hehe. I am your newest follower too.

    That looked awesome - I love apes - watch them on the animal channel all the time.

    And I have always wanted to do a zip line.

    Beautiful park.


  13. Love the bike trail and your sweet memories. Any forest is my cup of tea, I love them all and what a great way to spend a day watching all the shenanigans in passing.

  14. Fantastic post! It's beautiful!
