Monday 10 October 2011

Kennel Woods and it's lovely birds................ the Treecreeper and Wren

A revised video clip of Kennel Woods.
I grew up just a few hundred yards from this lovely little woodland.
 I have wonderful memories of climbing trees and of taking my first dog Whisky there for walks.

I have posted the Treecreeper and Wren clips separately before but finally made time to put together a single clip of Kennels Woods and some of it's wildlife.

It's changed very little since the 1960's.
It was my childhood playground.
 I still enjoy my visits... it's a lovely little wood I have enjoyed visiting for most of my life.

To see more beautiful birds from around the world click on the image below.
It's World Bird Wednesday XLVII


  1. You're lucky to spot those tree creepers!! Good video. Boom &n Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. Really enjoyed your little video as it was full of goodies namely the tree creeper which I have never seen in the flesh. Ahh the wren with the extremely pert tail, great capture Andrew. Do you still have the company of a dog or does work prevent you having what I think is the ultimate buddy?

  3. the treecreeper is a good catch on camera.

  4. Great video Andrew and lovely to catch up on all your other posts. My English friend Rose is now in Brisbane, Australia. She is missed as I loved her humor and we shared endless cups of tea. The speech bubbles you asked about are put onto my photos with the help of Paint Shop Pro X3. I have had several PSP programs over the last few years. The bubbles are very easy to add and there are several different kinds that can be used. The graphics groups I belonged to way back only used this program. Photoshop probably has the same thing but don't really know as I am not familiar with it.

  5. Lovely wooded walk Andrew--great find with the tree creeper!!!

  6. A rare pair. This is a great video clip. The tree Creeper is really good. If I see one it zips round the blind side in double time.

  7. Lovely video! The singing bird is so cute! And what a great fungus.

  8. love those little treecreepers!

  9. I love creepers -- those are a little different from what we've seen. But they're so industrious and so cute.

    It's lovely that this favorite place of your childhood has stayed pretty much the same.

  10. This was delightful to see - really!
    I have been looking at this bird from our summerhouse`s terrace, but I did not manage to take even one photo.
    But it will be next summer :)

  11. Great piece of video and what a beautiful woodland. You are very fortunate to have a place like that which has changed so little since you first new it.

  12. I love your treecreeper, it is similiar to the brown creeper we have here in the states. Great photo and video.

  13. amazing video, that woodland area looks wonderful!!

    what a cute little bird (wren)bouncing up & down!!

  14. Tremendous video Andrew, the quiet is just as inthralling as the pictures. Imagine having this beautiful woods as your playground. You do it a great honor with your art! Cheers to you Sir!

  15. Hey I am here from Sandra's blog, but I see a couple other friends here.

    Very beautiful area - you were and are lucky to be from there and see such beauty.


  16. Love the video, Andrew! It's nice to see the birds in action. Thank you for visiting and following my blog! I appreciate it!

  17. Hi there - ounce for ounce Wrens must be one of the loudest birds in the world!

    What a great place to explore.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  18. Lovely video clip, Andrew. Your tree creepers are just like ours, sometimes so fast it's hard to keep up with them! I love your funny wren bobbing up and down! There must be some purpose to it, not just a limbering up exercise :-)

  19. Andrew, It must be great to revisit those woods and find it hasn't changed.
    Well done on the video! Both birds remind me of their cousins here.:)

  20. great video. :) You managed to film teh treecreeper without it going to the other side of the tree. .) And the little wren.. I learned that sound this weekend. Sounds similar to our little Robin. :)

  21. Excellent video, Andrew! It's great to see and hear the birds in action. These are two beauties. I also loved seeing the lovely ferns on the forest floor and the shelf fungus. What a beautiful place!

  22. Cute little tree creeper! I just love it. What a pretty little woodland!

  23. Seems like the magic of your childhood is still kept safe in that wonderful wood. Why do tree-creepers never stay still for me when they are happy to pose for you? Is there some magic in you too? Loved to see that little white browed wren dipping, is it a new dance craze it is initiating? Thanks Andrew, that was really a joy to watch.
