Sunday 9 October 2011

Delamere Forest........................................ it's very popular on a Sunday

Delamere Forest comprises over 950 hectares of mixed deciduous and evergreen forest.
In Autumn the birch and larch turn the landscape a spectacular shade of gold.
Well the spectacular shades of gold are a bit late this year...there is still a lot of green on the trees.
I often have a walk here... it's only a few miles from home.
I parked my car in one of the laybys on the switchback road which runs through the centre of the forest close to where the Sandstone Trail crosses at Barns Bridge Gates.

 It's a working forest...these trees must have been felled recently...the smell was fantastic.

 A lovely inscription on a bench...and a nice spot to have a rest.

At least the bracken was Autumn gold.

The forest is open to the public and has many trails for walkers, cyclists, and horse riders to explore.

Blakemere Moss was cleared of trees in the 1990's.... the landscape now looks a bit prehistoric.

The stumps remain... it's an earie sight.

I clearly remember walking along this path before the dams were re-opened.

Blakemere Moss was drained around 1815 supposedly by prisoners from the Napoleonic Wars. During the 19th century it was unsuccessfully planted with oak and later with Scots pine.
It was decided in 1992 to restore Blakemere Moss as a wetland environment which was achieved in 1998 by clear-felling the area and then flooding it.
The restored lake now provides a habitat for wildlife, particularly birds.

Delamere Forest does have some commercial attractions... another post soon.

When I returned to my car the lay-by was full... a lot of people were having a lovely day out .


  1. Looks like it's a nice day out. Sometimes it does look like our Forest of Dean.

  2. Wonderful post and quite interesting. One of the pleasures of following a blogger from another country like yourself, is learning different names for the same thing. In this case what we call a pull out, you called it a layby. Another blogger I follow from Australia referred to his trash can as a wheelie bin. I liked that. Fun stuff.

  3. Lovely place for a day out!

  4. Now that's a strange looking landscape but its restoration sounds like an excellent idea. Looks like your trees have a lot more leaves left on them than ours.

  5. Looks like a great place for a day out walking, gets busy,I bet?
    The flooded landscape looks fantastic, a lot of photo opportunities?....[;o)

  6. I shall have to have a look at this place............mid week. Blakemere looks as if it could be fun.

  7. Green and gold, huh? That's virtually Australian!! Love these photos - especially the logs!! Have a great day!

  8. Hi Andrew...Looks like a great place maybe not on a weekend if you want it to yourself! ; }

    I like the poor little tree,and it's shadow, and the brackens!!

    The stump area looks like a good place for water birds!!


  9. Looks like the perfect place for a walk. Wonderful shots!

  10. Beautiful place to relax, a great walk. Smell of wood is great!

  11. Fantastic shots of the flooded land! What an amazing scenery.

  12. Beautiful woodland and a lovely way to spend a day or two walking, exploring and taking photo's. The first two pics of Blakemere Moss remind me of a lake I visited in Washington State, if I remember correctly it was called Thunder Lake, we kept hearing strange booming noises emanating from underground and the whole place was rather eerie with all the old tree stumps sticking up out of the lake, other than the booming there was no other sound, not even a bird.

  13. What a pretty day to be out in the forest for a walk!

  14. Jeepers trees cut down and then it looks so eerie; but it is close to Halloween.
    Joyce M
