Thursday 13 October 2011

Landscapes of England................................... holiday memories of 2011

The days are getting shorter... it's already dark as I arrive home from work.
I have been looking through all the images I have taken during 2011 and deleting some of the rubbish.
These are a few of the ones that brought back some wonderful memories... and saved of course.
The Langdale Pikes in the English Lake District.

Derwentwater also in the lakes is a favourite place of mine...

...another view of Derwentwater at the southern end of the lake.
I visit this wonderful area at least once a year.
Brimham Rocks in the Yorkshire Dales...
...another fascinating place to visit.
This is a view I see every day on my commute.
It's a lovely journey... only spoilt by it's purpose.
A lot of images have been deleted... more space on the puter.
It was an enjoyable exercise brought back wonderful memories... and I have only done this year.

This is also a post to Skywatch Friday click on the link to see more wonderful images.


  1. that is a beautiful landscape!

  2. A beautiful place in Keswick, those mountains, brilliant photography.

  3. What a gorgeous place, lovely mountains and beautiful skies! Doesn't get any better than this, Andrews! Superb captures! Fantastic!
    Hope you have a great weekend!


  4. Your landscapes are so different from ours!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. I'm glad you found these during the clean out, they're grand!

  6. Oh my - I have been to both Lake District and Yorkshire Dales - beautiful places! Good memories are rushing back to me while looking at these pictures. You had a great vacation for sure!
    Thanks for bringing back those memories! :)

  7. Hi Andrew,
    These are beautiful images! I'm glad you found them again to share.
    I love the boat shot and I'm thinking the rock formations could be a lovely place to get lost in for awhile. :)

  8. LOVE the area where you live! Beautiful.

  9. Great series of landscapes Andrew. Like you it's now dark when I get home so no evening walks. Much as I like winter the darkness is definitely a negative.

  10. You pulled out some nice ones to share with us.
    I seem to accumulate images faster than I delete them. My hard drive is getting stuffed.

  11. You live in such a beautiful country, Andrew!

  12. Lovely shots and scenery. They are definitely keepers. Have a great weekend and Happy skywatching!

  13. I can see why you visit Dernwentwater more than once a year!


    The sky-seekers, some people say,
    Do not favor night over day;
    They always look up,
    The sky is their cup,
    And keeping it full is just play!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Western Sunset

  14. The rock forms are amazing, fantastic series.

  15. Beautiful memories you share with us, ndrew. I love the picture with wooden boats. Thank you so much for all nice words - take care!

  16. Hi Andrew...You had a great summer..thanks for sharing more photo's from the season..lovely country!!


  17. Andrew, I really enjoyed the cyber tour. My goodness mountains, a balanced rock, blue skies....impressive countryside.
    Joyce M

  18. Hi there - I recognised the landscape even from the thumbnail! Used to live more of less at the end of Windermere. I could sit on a jetty and look up at Kentmere Pike. I miss the place!

    Cheers - Stewart M

  19. Not surprised these were all 'keepers'! If they're not enough to see you through the long, cold winter, just take a virtual trip downunder to OZ!

  20. Lovely collection, and Brimham Rocks is one of my favourite places that I need to revisit.

    If and when I get my computer back, I hope I still have all my photo's on it, must admit I would find deleting any of them hard, they are all memories, even the not so good ones. Right now my SD Card and memory stick are holding places for the ones I've been taking recently.

  21. Missed this..........a superb set of images for a round up. I never see the Lakes in summer. I must pluck up courage next have inspired me.

  22. All photos are absolutely beautiful and I'm in awe at the rock formations.

  23. You've captured The Lakes so beautifully, it's far too many years since I've been there!

  24. Those are wonderful Andrew! I'd love to visit the Lakes District.

    Re-living good experiences is the one thing that makes cleaning up photo files fun!

  25. Great photographs.
    A group of us visited the lakes back in April.We had a great few days but a wet walk round Ullswater.
