Friday 14 October 2011

The Pylon competition has a winner.........................................................

I posted a few weeks ago about a competition to design a pylon that would do it's job but be fairly pleasing on the eye rather than a blot on the landscape. Well today the winning entry was announced... the script below is direct from the BBC News website as are the images.
A T-shaped design has scooped a £5,000 prize in a competition to find the next generation of electricity pylons. Danish engineering firm Bystrup beat 250 rivals to win the Royal Institute of British Architects contest.
It set the challenge to replace the familiar "triangle" design - in use since the 1920s - in May, although there is no commitment to build them.

Bystrup's architect Rasmus Jessing said he aimed for a more positive shape than the traditional "grumpy old men" design, as they are known in Denmark, to carry new forms of renewable energy.
"Hopefully in the next couple of years it will be time for T - the T-pylon," he said.
Six entries shortlisted in the competition, organised with the Department of Energy and Climate Change and energy firm National Grid, have been on show in London's Victoria and Albert Museum. The five runners-up received £1,000 each.

The jury - which included Energy Secretary Chris Huhne, leading architects and energy officials - rated entries on design quality, functionality, and technical viability.
After calling for entries to be "both grounded in reality and beautiful", the judges took into account the public response to the designs and the teams' abilities to create them.

An increasing number of pylons are expected to be needed to connect new wind, nuclear and hydroelectric plants.


  1. Such a shame we need them at all lol

  2. Some are better than others but none are desirable.......I prefer the last one.

  3. I was against the building of anything that the pylons, but, I was for laying the wires underground, but they said that it because of the "finances". Well, let's enjoy the new "pylons".

  4. I think every time I see wires like that - I think about God - that he is such a better artist and maker of things then we humans. I know that is knot what this is about - but that is what it made me think about.


  5. I've nothing against windfarms,but here in south west Scotland we're becoming saturated with them.
    With materials being made that wont corrode for centuries,I don't understand why we can't be burying wires.

  6. well, grounded in reality, that giant ant one is not! :) too funny, though! :)

  7. I like the whimsical ant best, something to smile about, but only as a single structure. A whole line of them, no. The two human figures are kind of scary - spectral. Wouldn't want to encounter them in the dark. It's pity there is no money to bury the lines underground!

  8. They are...well, I don't know...incredible?

  9. What an interesting contest...and some very interesting results...I think the best one go the win! I do like the Y on as well...
