Saturday 15 October 2011

Can't see the wood................................................................... for the trees

The weather today was lovely... bright sunshine and blue skies.
I decided to make the most of it and go back to Delamere Forest and walk another of the trails.

It also gave me the chance to revisit Blakemere Moss and take a few more images of it's eerie landscape.

It was a lovely stroll at a leisurely pace... I took loads of images.
I hope I have shared some of the decent ones as this post has been put together in a bit of a rush.

As I returned to my car I went a little "off piste" and was delighted to see a Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Another wonderful day.... and I feel really relaxed.


  1. Wow. Picture from the woods is brilliant and exciting!

    I liked the little bird at the end!

    Very beautiful pictures!

  2. Yep, it is eerie, isn't it. I love it, hee hee. The Woodie was nice.

  3. Superb shots of the mere. A great place. I really will have to visit. Thanks.

  4. What a lovely place! I love the images of Blakemere Moss!

  5. Thanks for sharing these moments!

  6. 600 images on a little walk! Egads, I took about that many on the month long road trip. I must be too picky.

  7. the woods are beautiful. the tree stumps - i'm assuming they were cleared for the water reservoir creation or something?

  8. Hi Andrew... Love those big tall tree and the trail through them ..pleasant looking !

    Those stumps are weird ..It looked like some kind of white birds in the distance in one shot was there??
    The red on the woodpecker sure is a bright spot!!

    Have a great week

  9. Great set Andrew, love those eerie shots of the 'moss...[;o)

  10. Really nice weather today. Great photos! Stumps (scary landscape), they are beautiful!

  11. I tried to leave a comment on your last post, but I couldn't. I'll try again. Loved the birds and this woodpecker.

    What kind of area was that - were trees cut down?

    You must have a great camera.


  12. Great blog! Glad I found you through my Twitter list! Cheers from North Texas! Adding you to my Blog Roll!

  13. Great hike Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  14. I love the woods but why the clear cut! The woodpecker is probably missing those trees. Wonderful photos.

  15. my last two visits to Delamere were for a Doves Concert.... Brilliant night :0 and for a life bird when I caught up with 3 Firecrest a few years ago

    Wonderful atmospheric images Andrew, especially the flooded expance with the tree stumps

  16. A very interesting post Andrew. The Blackmere Moss with the tree stumps all in a row is very odd. Were the trees cut for the water project do you know?

    Love the shot of the Great Spotted Woodpecker!

  17. Very interesting post. The images from Blackmere Moss are especially good.

  18. Spooky place indeed! Must really be something at night. I'm glad your weather is letting you get out for a peaceful day with nature. Great to enjoy it with you.

  19. What a contrast between those shots of the beautiful forest and the eerie landscape of Blakemere Moss!

  20. I could never see too many photos of that cool Spotted Woody!
