Monday 17 October 2011

A stroll around Ashton's Flash................................. Northwich Cheshire

I had a walk around Ashton's Flash on Sunday... the weather is still lovely for the time of year.
Flash is an old English name for "lake".
Ashton's Flash like Haydn's Pool has really suffered from the drought this year, in fact it was more like a stroll around Ashton's Prairie.... as there wasn't a drop of water in sight.
We have been warned to expect Arctic weather soon.
Ashton's Flash as it is at the moment... not a drop of water in sight.

At least I had somewhere to rest and enjoy the sunshine.
 The Northwich Woodlands provide some wonderful benches.
 I headed over to have a look over Neumanns Flash.
It is adjacent to Ashton's and the paths are of course linked...
This part of the Northwich Woodlands is relatively new as the paths and bird hides around the flashes were created at recently as 2004 as the area was reclaimed from industrial wasteland.
A link to the Northwich Woodlands website:
The view from No.3 Hide at Neumanns Flash...this has a lovely view and the sun is behind you...
... unfortunately it's the only hide without seating.
The birds were all a bit distant... but lovely to view through my spotting scope.
Curlew were there in good numbers... just a bit too far away for my camera though.
You can make them out if you enlarge the image.
A lone Magpie followed me along the fence separating the flashes... this was the only image I managed to capture... lugging a camera, binoculars, tripod and spotting scope around does restrict your photo opportunities.
It's dark when I leave home for work now...and dark when I return home.
Midweek posts will become harder to produce... although I did see a stunning rainbow this morning on my commute.... no chance to pull over and capture it though.
 A little Shetland Pony came running out of a side road in a village I travel through having escaped from it's gypsy owners. It then charged off headlong into the oncoming traffic causing chaos before veering off down another side street.
 I will now keep my point and shoot at my side as both of these sightings would have been worth sharing.


  1. oh dear! hope that pony doesn't press his luck (or anyone else's for that matter!) when we have loose livestock here, we call the sheriff's dept. and they come round 'em up.

  2. Water is the real oncoming shortage!! That magpie is beautiful. We have them but I;ve never seen one. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. The poor pond, I hope that it will come back over winter. This is a beautiful spot, nice for you and your camera.

  4. That poor pond - does arctic weather mean water? And tell me where are you in comparison to London? I have been to London. sandie

    Loved your photos - I am a photo-holic!

  5. Beautiful views, lovely light! Hope you'll get some water soon.

  6. I always try to have my point & click with me. Flash - another one of those great English words. I like it. Wonderful post Andrew. Good luck with the arctic weather. Me, I would be sniveling about it.

  7. I think our sheriff would round up the gypsies and leave the pony.

    Yet another place not too far from me that I have never visited Andrew

    Shame on me.

    Intresting to see the Magpie follow you as we know they can be very shy and distant, obviously knew you had your ands full!

  8. HI that is a shame that the water has completely dried up!!
    It looks like there should be some seating moved to where the water is is a lovely park area though!!


  9. Dear Andrew - always lovely to follow your great engagement with the natur. Have a nice week, hugs!

  10. Looks like a wonderful place for a walk and to see the birds. Beautiful photos.

  11. Nice shots Andrew. I guess we've got your water up here in Galloway.Bucketloads today.

  12. The contact with the nature is so beautiful. Nice shots :-)

  13. It's a lovely area and I just learned a new meaning for the word "flash." I really like the photo of the magpie!

  14. Awesome post!! What a great bunch of shots. Very well done!

  15. Hi there - the pond with the water looks interesting - strange to think that the waders are on the way south!

    Jack’s Rake is a splendid way to gain height. The last rock climb I ever did in the Lakes started half way up it! It was a surprisingly warm autumn day, and a great way to end my Lakeland adventures.

    Cheers - Stewart M

  16. You do go on beautiful walks, and you share them so well! Wonderful shots!

  17. great post - i love that sky and what a cool looking bench, too!

  18. Beautiful pictures!
    Perhaps soon you'll get water ...

  19. Absolutely beautiful pictures -- but (unlike your latest post, of your hometown) this is certainly not what I think of as typical of where you live. Beautiful though, if you can forget about the drought for a few minutes..
