Friday 19 August 2011

....................... British Birdfair 2011 ......................

 Birdfair at Rutland Water.

The annual Birdfair in the UK is this weekend.
It's described as the Glastonbury of the bird watching world and will attract around 20,000 visitors over the weekend. I hope to attend on Sunday as it is a 250 mile round trip and I am working in the morning.
I had my first visit there last year and had a lovely day... the highlight was meeting up with a Birdforum member I had become friends with online from Borneo.

Horukuru and the Constantwalker... Birdfair 2010
Jason (aka Horukuru) had given us some great information about Malaysia for my sons trip around the world in 2009/10.
If you had asked me then would we ever meet up I would have put all I had on...... no chance!!
12 months later there we were enjoying lunch together at the Birdfair.......... never say never.


  1. how awesome. sometimes the world can be a very small place.

    good luck getting there! no speeding tickets! :)

  2. The best in this world, I've never been there yet, but next year......

  3. Hi Andrew...Have a safe trip, and an enjoyable day!!

  4. Ahhhhhhhhh thanks Andrew. Next year I will go again !

  5. Awesome! Both that he could help you and that you did meet up :)
