Friday 8 July 2011

I'm not having much luck at the moment...............

The Nikon D60 arrived this morning so I tried a few test images of objects around the house.
What a real disappointment... everything seemed to working OK but there was a really large spot on every image. I changed the lens and the spot was still appearing so sod it I repacked it (the seller offered a 7 day returns policy) and took it straight to the post office.
Still no news about my D5000 so it's just my little point and shoot and the video camera to keep me amused on my trip to Shell Island.

But it's not all been bad this week.

It is still wet here today so this afternoon I went through the images from my walk on Tuesday around my local nature reserve
I left the car park and entered Carey Park which has been created from a landfill site which has been landscaped and added to the nature reserve. After a short while I arrived at the new Carden's Ferry Bridge crossing Witton Brook as it flows into the River Weaver.
Carden's Ferry Bridge
The bridge links Carey Park to Anderton Nature Reserve and is also just a short stroll to the bird hides at Haydn's Pool.
Sand Martin nesting site at Haydn's Pool

Haydn's Pool has a man made sand bank with nesting holes made especially for the Sand Martins.
It has been here for a few years without any takers but this year ...success.
I had lovely views through my binoculars but it was too far away for any close up pictures.
I have done some cropping on a couple and you can just about make them out.


  1. [shitburgers on the camera!]

    okay, now that that's out of my system, the sand bank is a great thing for 'man' to provide for our feathered friends. for once we give a little back...

  2. I totally agree with Texwisgirl as to the sand bank, it's just great and the bridge shot is lovely.
    Good luck with your camera, Andrew.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog Andrew. I'm returning the complement and hope to visit again. Hope you get your camera sorted soon - like losing an arm.

  4. Sorry to read about your camera woes! Lovely photos of Carey Park!

  5. Andrew, sounds like a bit of muck on the sensor. If not try a pixel remap.........a bit late now. good luck.

  6. Yea, I agree with Adrian, a naughty bit of dirt. Great views.

  7. Bummer about the cameras :(
    I feel you pain. My sensor needs cleaning and I am afraid of doing it myself. Now I gotta live with grainy photos and blotches :(
    Cool that the sand finally got inhabitants :)

  8. GRRRR thats probably why the seller was selling--well like you said you got your Point n shoot..and I USE my Kodak all the time I never jumped for DSLR cause I like to be very mobile on foot and its too heavy! Your photos today are Great!! Love that bridge shot.

  9. I have some spots appearing with my Nikon D40, my son(photographer) said it was dust inside the camera, to turn it up-side down and blow upward with a puffer. I haven't done it yet but manage to ease then with my i-photo programme. I cannot manage to carry anything heavier so if you find a better quality camera that does not weigh more, please let me know.
