Saturday 9 July 2011

A review of my digital years.................................................. 2004-2011

My first digital camera was a beautiful little Sony DSC-V1 a Xmas gift in 2004 and I loved it.

Great images, took infra red images in the dark and even video clips I was in digital heaven.
I was also twelve months away from buying my first PC so was still saving my early images on paper.
Some images of the early days do survive to share as I ventured into the world of Windows XP at the end of 2005.

The Devils Coach Horse (Sony DSC-V1)

I bought my next camera a slim Casio EX-Z70 via the auction site in 2007 and still use it today...
 7.2 mp and I always have it with me (fits neatly in my top pocket) great for catching pranks at work it also produces superb handheld video clips.
Every image and video of my walk around Derwentwater in April this year was taken with this wonderful little compact point and shoot camera.

Brandlehow Woods Keswick (Casio EX-Z70)

In 2007 I bought my first Dslr the entry level Nikon D40.
I sold the kit lenses (plastic mounts) and bought myself a Sigma 18-200mm zoom.
 I now felt like a real photographer.

Ullapool sunset...Scotland... 2007 (Nikon D40)

The north of Scotland is stunning... 2007 (Nikon D40)

Black-winged Stilt... 2008 (Nikon D40)

The seals at Blakeney Point Norfolk "a favourite image"... 2008 (Nikon D40)
 In 2008 browsing on the auction site I spotted a brand new Nikon D60 body going for a ridiculously low price...bought it and sold the D40 for more so did the upgrade for free.
The D60 served me well for the next 12 months and a Sigma 70-300mm lens was added to my kit.

My little garden Wood Mouse... 2009 (Nikon D60)

Black-tailed Godwits Haydn's Pool... 2009 (Nikon D60)

In 2010 video appeared on the Dslr market and I had a quick venture into the world of a Canon 500D.
I have always admired other peoples Canon images but I missed some of the little things I could do out in the field on the Nikon's (in camera trimming etc) so I exchanged it for Nikon's new D5000.

Remember... Tall,duck and handsome (Nikon D5000)

The wonderful little Robin that fed from my hand (Nikon D5000)

I have really enjoyed using the D5000 capturing some lovely moments (my son Craigs wedding in March was a real highlight) until it expired on Wednesday 6/7/2011 (7/6/2011 for my friends over the pond) with a shutter count of 11,127 images taken.
So as I wait with baited breath on news of my broken camera this is a reminder of better times.
I hope you enjoyed my images of the past....... you are probably going to see a few more!


  1. Your problems are my gain........a lovely set of images.

  2. awww. that last sentence was painful! :(

    i enjoyed the trip down memory lane, however. and all your images are just wonderful, no matter what the camera. but i sure hope your D5000 is salvagable.

    (sort of like blogger - seems your issues have resolved themselves. and yes, i can see your followers' block. i lost mine yesterday for a while and i heard from another blogger this morning asking me to check to see if i could view his as well as he couldn't. so you're not alone in your blogger angst...)

  3. I have enjoyed all your photos Andrew and the history of your cameras has been very interesting. That bug is extraordinary and I can see why the one of the seals is a favorite. I loved the little mouse and the robin, but truly all these photographs were very enjoyable. Do hope you get some good news regarding your D5000.

  4. Oh no. I'm sorry you're having camera woes. I hope it won't be too long before your shutter finger is in full swing again. Lovely shots, one and all.

  5. Hope everything goes well on the new Camera. I'm just coping with Blogger's new format and I seem to be missing a few days. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. I am back to thank you for your very kind birthday wishes and words. The photo you mentioned was taken last year on a holiday in southern California, shortly after my 60th birthday. Standing in shade makes the years slip away, sort of like paintbrushing the wrinkles out :)

  7. What a wonderful idea - especialy for me, who are in blog-world only from 9 months. Now I can see your images in historical perspective. Lovely pictures, all of them, Andrew.

  8. I don't want to count years! :-) Thank you for your visit and lovely comment on VDP, your photos are amazing and now of course all I want is to be back in Ullapool... ;-)

  9. Oh well, at least we can see your archives, brilliant pictures.

  10. Loved this 'camera tour'! We like our Nikons too. I have a D90 and am happy with it and am still learning more about it!
    Great shots Andrew!

  11. Hey, thanks for stopping by. Come back any time. Your pictures are amazing. I just saw an episode on house hunters in Ullapool. It looks breathtaking!

  12. Fantastic set of shots. The 'devil' is amazing!
