Thursday 7 July 2011

Ebay........................ a short term camera solution

I have purchased a used Nikon D60 body on Ebay so at least I have a camera for my trip to Wales.
I paid extra for special delivery so should receive it in the morning.
I have owned a D60 before so am quite familiar with it's layout and of course it uses my current lenses... and you never know I might even make a profit when I sell it on...
As yet no news on the D5000..
My day included a quick walk around Marbury and I had a wonderful view of a male Blackcap noisily trying to chase off a squirrel which I assume was raiding or at least very close to it's nest.
No camera available for the best opportunity I have ever had for a decent image.
Hey ho such is life.
Can I please add my grateful thanks for all the lovely comments made on my last post.
They really are appreciated.


  1. i'm very glad you found a patchover camera! since you've had one before, it'll be like reuniting with an old friend. :)

  2. Great Idea!! Glad you found an easy solution.

  3. HI Andrew..very nice... hope it makes a better enjoyable time for you holiday!!
    Hope you can make a profit on where was!!
    ♥ Grace

  4. Some of those missed opportunities make the very best mental snapshots. I've had a lot of those. ;)
    Hopefully, you won't have to miss too many more opportunities now. Thanks for your visit to my blog.

  5. So sorry your camera "died"--hope the one you just purchased works well. Nice that you already know how to use it. Have a lovely time on vacation. Mickie :) Forgetmenot

  6. Where in Wales are you heading?

  7. i love Nikon's cameras. they take great pictures out of the box.

    Have fun in Wales.
