Tuesday 5 July 2011

Flamingo.... on the runway at Manchester Airport

Breaking news my local Airport has had a bird problem.

In the UK we usually only see Flamingos in Zoos
This story is fascinating and less than 20 miles from my home.
The images and text all come from my local papers web page.

A single, rogue pink flamingo managed to shut down an entire airport runway in the UK this week.
Officials had no choice but to close one of Manchester Airport’s two runways early Monday morning as workers attempted to catch the stray flamingo, nicknamed Ringo. It is unclear where the mystery bird came from, as no wildlife sanctuaries in the area have reported a missing bird.
“In over 20 years at the airport this is without doubt one of the most unusual things I’ve seen land here,” said Tim McDermott, Manchester Airport’s operations director.

Ringo was first seen on Sunday night roaming the airport’s Runway 2.
 Wildlife control teams followed the bird’s every move using special night vision equipment.
They initially managed to frighten it from the airfield using a 4x4 vehicle blasting loud music and setting off flares. But to the dismay of airport staff, the bird returned at 8am the following day, seeing the wild flamingo chase begin again using the same bird-scaring tactics.
 Ringo finally flew away around 12.30pm.


  1. Omg what is this flamingo doing in the runway, lol!! But in fairness flamingoes are very pretty! Thanks for the visit!

    How‘s your Independence day celebration?

  2. What shall I say? Crazy - especially the contrast between the bird and plain...

  3. Odd I missed this..........An funny place for it to choose.

  4. Wow! All the trouble one bird can make! I wonder where it came from.

  5. Ha Ha. The flamingo shuts down everthing. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. Wow, that is amazing. I'm glad the bird left on its own.

  7. oh my goodness! i was waiting for the line that it was just a prank - that 'ringo' was a plastic model someone stuck out there! oh, he's beautiful and hopefully he'll find a better place to 'park'. :)

  8. Don't you just wonder about his/her story? Where it came from , why it chose the airport, and then, where it went...

  9. Hey Andrew, Thanks for becoming a follower. What a strange thing to see on the runway. Great shot of the flamingo and the airplane. Mickie :)

  10. OH MY thats fascinating--Have to wonder WHERE he came from..HOPE RINGO makes it back home.

  11. Really great captured! What an amazing sight. Beautiful birds to!

  12. Hi there - well I suppose that a "flamingo on the runway" is a better excuse than "leaves on the lines".

    Cheers - Stewart M.

  13. I love stories like this Andrew. Had to laugh when it said he'd managed to close down the airport lol
    Hope he finds a safer place to stay.

  14. maybe it needed help to take off. :) Can´t help but think it is fun. And such an unusual shot!
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. The true owner(s) probably wouldn't admit to owning this bird. Just imagine the bills! But it speaks to the kindness of people, and their values, that no one took a shot at it.

  16. Strange situation there! I wonder whose music they were blaring?! Glad no one was hurt!

  17. WOW, indeed a strange occurrence. Glad all worked out for Ringo at the Airport. Hope it returns home safely.

  18. How unusual! I wonder what drew him to the airport - especially after having been frightened away once?

  19. He was waiting for his flight to arrive. It wasn't on the depart list.
