Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Easter Ducklings at Dunham Massey................

My day off work on Good Friday was blessed with beautiful sunshine and I had a lovely day visiting the National Trust property at Dunham Massey which is only 10 miles from my house.
( more about Dunham Massey can be seen on my last two posts )

A proud mum
Spring has really arrived with a gusto this year after one of our coldest winters in living memory and it was lovely to see the Mallards with ducklings and Rabbits with young all getting about their business whilst all around them an estimated 2000 people were visiting the lovely parkland.

Easter Bunnies.
I am holiday this week and will be attempting to post this to World Bird Wednesday from an Internet Cafe in the English Lake District....wish me luck

A link to see some lovely birds from all around the world here:



TexWisGirl said...

wow. you did get some great Easter shots! enjoy your holiday!

936000 said...

That is absolutely adorable! Love the bunnies!!
Enjoy your holiday!

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew...adorable as can be...who can resist ducklings and bunnies !!
Have a wonderful week and enjoy every minute!!

Sondra said...

Love the babies!!! Hope you have a great vacation!!

Unknown said...

Great view of spring. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

holdingmoments said...

Lovely shot of the ducklings Andrew.

Have a great time up there. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

working from the cafe worked well, I am reading and looking at photos, so we know it worked. how cool to find ducklings and rabbits at Easter time. love that first shot of the baby duck. we see them here walking accross the street in a line behind their mothers.

Leonora said...

So cute ducklings, and the rabbits too! Spring is a wonderful season :-)

jeanlivingsimple said...

Adorable duckies and bunnies. Sure made me smile! Hope you enjoy your Holiday!

Nancy said...

Mallards are my favorite duck, Andrew. I love seeing the babies swimming with their Mom. Wonderful! :)

Fotokarusellen said...

This is a very beautiful post. Wonderful images!

BirdingMaine said...

Adorable! Great photos!

eileeninmd said...

All cuties! I lvoe the ducklings and the baby rabbits. Wonderful photos.

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

Oh, you killed me with these pictures! They did not start here with reproduction yet - but I am waiting for duckies. Bunnies - only at your lovely images...

Springman said...

Just the ultimate Easter post ever Andrew! Baby chicks and bunnies?! You just couldn't miss with this one. ;-)WBW

Larry said...

There is nothing cuter than a baby duck is there? Great post from the cafe Andrew!

Rachel said...

Spring is such a wonderful time of year. I'm so glad that there were not only ducklings for your Easter, but also baby bunnies! How can you not love that?

Pat Ulrich said...

Aren't they adorable -- it's always fun to see the young ones this time of year!

tiptoethruphylsgarden.blogspot.com said...

Ahhhh,they are so cute!phyllis

Anonymous said...

Ducklings and bunnies - what could be better? Lovely springtime post!

Hilke Breder said...

New beginnings! Lovely Easter scenes!

Adam Tilt said...

Looks like the lake district internet did you proud. Ducklings are one of the best things about Spring.

DeniseinVA said...

What lovely photographs Andrew, the kind of scene I love to see at this time of the year.

Victoria said...

Thanks for stopping by to visit my Song Sparrow from WBW. Your duckling and rabbit images are perfect for this season. Isn't it wonderful to be able to post while on travel! Hope you are enjoying yourself... I'm late returning visits from WBW due to computer problems.