Sunday 5 April 2015

What a wonderful day.............................. we've had our Hawk Walk Experience

Our Christmas present from my grandson Arthur was a one hour Hawk Experience at Stockley Farm.
I know it's now Easter Sunday but today was the day we had our experience... and we loved it.

It wasn't just hawks we got to handle... this lovely Barn Owl was called Spike.

We had a walk through the woods with this Harris Hawk...

... she was free to fly along with us and spent a lot of the time up in the trees looking around.

We also got to handle this 5 week old Barn Owl... how cute is he?
I have hundreds of images to go through so these are just a taster.
Many thanks Arthur... what a fantastic Christmas present.

Our World Tuesday and Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. so very awesome for you both!

  2. That is a fantastic Christmas present!

  3. Wow, that's an awesome present- I would have enjoyed that myself! Happy Easter!

  4. What a fantastic experience and present. Great photos.

  5. An excellent Christmas present Andrew.

  6. They are beautiful, and I am hungry for the rest Andrew.

  7. Andrew splendor, a great experience.

  8. What a fun time! Seeing the raptors up close is cool. I love the cute baby barn owl. Great shots.

  9. What a wonderful experience. The owl is way too cute.

  10. What a wonderful gift and time you and your hubby ~ Love the feathered friends ~ Great shots!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  11. That barn owl is just too cute for words. What a thoughtful present.

  12. Fantastic fotos,have a nice month April,

  13. Gorgeous shots,Greeting from Belgium

  14. Must have been a wonderful experience ! I love this little barn owl, so cute !

  15. The baby owl is soooo cute! What a fabulous gift!

  16. I can't think of anything more enjoyable and you son knows you well, for it was the perfect gift. These are beautiful pictures not only in quality, but in feeling ... So happy for you and your beautiful wife.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  17. What a wonderful experience! It would be such a thrill! Glad you were given it as a Christmas gift and enjoyed it on Easter! Great photos!

  18. Oh, that adorable owlet!

  19. I love owls. SO wonderful to get close to one. And the Harris's Hawk is one I know well. They live here in Tucson. They work like a football team when chasing their prey. Very cool hawks and one of the few that works as a team.

  20. What a fabulous present! I can't resist a bird of prey show when I see one advertised but how amazing to get so close.

  21. Great shots. This is a beautiful experience.
