Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Smash and grab raid............................................................. a quick getaway?

The slugs in my garden stealing the bread I put out for the birds.

OK!... the getaway isn't that fast but the perpetrators do split up during their escape.
Sorry... I haven't really lost the plot... just a bit of fun while filming the wildlife in my garden.

Linking to Saturday's Critters and Camera Critters


TexWisGirl said...

eat their fill and scram! :)

Anonymous said...

It all happened so fast I had to replay the video to see what I missed.

Horst in Edmonton said...

Wow, you large slugs in your part of the world. The west coast of Canada has huge slugs as well. When I first saw the size of the slugs near Vancouver, I thought we were being invaded by Aliens. ;-)

ADRIAN said...

They would make a good Time Lapse movie.

Brian King said...

LOL! I've never considered slugs as "eat and run" type critters!

Stephanie said...

I like the video, would be cool as a time lapse video.

Stewart M said...

Ram raiders!


Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Too funny! Coastal Oregon is famous for its slugs ... Eugene even names a slug queen at its annual celebration. (Rain makes people a little bit eccentric!)

Pantherka said...

It's pretty big ...
Andrew lovely weekend.

Adam Jones said...

Annoying of the little slugs.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I see you have given Adrian another idea for time lapse. great idea and fun to watch.

eileeninmd said...

It did not look like they ate too much, the exit was kind of slow w but with determination..Awesome video. Thank you for linking up to my critter party, enjoy your weekend!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I didn't know slugs ate bread, your video was fun to watch.

Unknown said...

How clever of them. They're more difficult to catch when they split up. :)