Sunday, 10 August 2014

My little garden........................................................................... is very buzzy!

The flowers in my garden are attracting lots of bees and insects.

It's just a short clip (30 seconds) taken yesterday in the sunshine...'s been raining all day today.


TexWisGirl said...

would be happy to trade you my texas sun for some of your brit rain!

Susan said...

Ahhh, rain...we haven't had enough of it here lately along the Gulf coast. Love to hear the bees buzzing about flowers. Have a wonderful day!

Adam Jones said...

Lovely post as always.

Anonymous said...

Nice video - great choice for the music.

Stephanie said...

Pretty Nasturtiums blooms.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

So colorful and love the fuzzy bees. We could use some of that rain here, too! So dry....

Arija said...

Very beautiful busy season Andrew. I wish I could see and hear a bumblebee again.

Unknown said...
